American chestnut trees??????


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Anybody have any of them hanging around anywhere?? They were basically eradicated by blight early last century. I guess a few hearty individuals still survive here & there. But they're like hen's teeth.

Guess what??

I've got "hen's teeth" on the Strut10 Ranch!!!!!!!!! shocked.gif

Found a little grove of them today. Almost like finding a live dinosaur. grin.gif

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Re: American chestnut trees??????

Hey Don....would you be interested in transplanting one or two if they aren't too big? wink.gif

If they are big...collect up some nuts this year and freeze 'em. Plant 'em in pots next spring!

Better yet, contact Shaun at Pike's Peak and see what he suggests. I'd be interested in getting a few nuts from those trees to try and plant here.

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Re: American chestnut trees??????


Hey Don....would you be interested in transplanting one or two if they aren't too big? wink.gif

If they are big...collect up some nuts this year and freeze 'em. Plant 'em in pots next spring!

Better yet, contact Shaun at Pike's Peak and see what he suggests. I'd be interested in getting a few nuts from those trees to try and plant here.

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If you want them for the nuts Gregg, plant a Chinese chestnut. We have a grove not too far away, and those nuts are pretty goood.

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Re: American chestnut trees??????

We bought some from a nursery. We planted 2 in the lawn and about 20 or so in the woods. The 2 in the lawn didn't make it past the first year but there's still a handful in the woods that are a couple years old now. Not sure if they'll get hit with blight though?

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Re: American chestnut trees??????

The trees are from about 12 or 15 feet high on up to 35 or 40 feet. So, they are a bit beyond the moving stage. I didn't find any evidence that they're producing (no burrs on the ground) yet. If they start producing nut, Snapper, you're welcome to some starters. wink.gif

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Re: American chestnut trees??????

I e-mailed someone at Penn State who's supposed to be affiliated with the American Chestnut Foundation. I've yet to hear back from anyone.

Wife's uncle knows where there are a few, too. I guess one of them was about 60 feet high and healthy one year and completely dead the next. confused.gif Resistance must only go so far. Dunno. I do know that the resistance of these trees is some degree higher than that of 99.9999999% of all the rest of the American chestnuts that were dead & gone 100 years ago.

Let ya know if'n I hear anything from the "experts". I'd have thought they would have been interested enough to return my e-mail.

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