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I prefer to hunt relaxed deer on a one to one, close up afair myself, but I have been involved (when I was young in northern Ontario) in a few Deer-Dog hunts. They can be interesting, to say the least.

As far as big cats go, I'd like to see you get one without a dog....good luck ...LOL

You know, if so many hunters are against hunting deer with dogs, then for goodness sake, why don't you all get together on the issue and change some laws, instead of complaining about a perfectly legal hunting method.

It's kind of like complaining about the government, but never voting. wink.gif

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You say you have a cat, but were you cat hunting when you got it, or was it one of those incidental hunts while you were hunting something else.

Not trying to give you the third degree, I'm just saying it is very, very difficult, if not impossible in most areas, to actually go hunting for a cat and be successful, without the use of good cougar hounds.

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The theory on dog hunting is that the dogs can force deer to move out of areas that are not reasonably accessable to hunters. My father in law dog hunts. He in his early 80's and can't really get into the woods. For him dog hunting works well.

However, I have never been in a situation where dog hunting was being used that it was being done legaly or ethically. Personally, I think that it should be either completely phased out, or made legal only on private land where the hunters have permission to hunt.

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As I have said a thousand times...We as hunters should not even be arguing this type of post...


It is a legal means to hunt deer with dogs in several states...if you don't like it, fine..keep your mouth shut and let those who love to hunt that way do it...

If it is illegal and someone is doing it in your state..turn them in and rejoice.

WHEW!!! It's good to be back. grin.gif

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Guest chicks_hunt_to


well i think everyone one has their own opinions but dogs chasing deer thats a new one i mean i have heard of bear, coon, and cat dogs but no deer dogs us rednecks consider that city folk hunting

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Most everyone here admits that they have never hunted deer with dogs, myself included.

The practice is legal in some parts of our state but it is usually in the thick cover areas.

I have hunted rabbits with dogs and found it to be great fun.

If the deer hunting dogs could be trained to herd the deer towards the hunter, it would probably be illegal everywhere.

The fact is, that the deer will run, and no one really knows where the deer will come out.

I have hunted many times and heard deer dogs running deer, and so far not once has a deer been push to my stand.

I watched a doe playing tricks on the dogs once. She would cut circles and loops through the tall underbrush and then stand there and watch the dogs until they started to catch up, then off she would go again.

Like a lot of things, it sounds like a lazy way to hunt, but then again, we haven't tried it.

I know I do not have the energy anymore to chase along with a bunch of hounds flushing deer in every direction.

If it is legal where the hunt is occurring, I see nothing wrong with the practice, unless the hunters take wild shots.

Those same hunters, that take wild shots, would do that anyway, even if the dogs were not running.

Now...I have hunted wild dogs, but that is another subject.

Fact: "Most dogs cannot read posted signs."

I have always wanted a dog that would trail a blood trail or chase squirrels, but alas, I own a little lap dog that is offended if she is even called a dog in her presence. .....popgun

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You know, if so many hunters are against hunting deer with dogs, then for goodness sake, why don't you all get together on the issue and change some laws, instead of complaining about a perfectly legal hunting method.

It's kind of like complaining about the government, but never voting. wink.gif

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Since you mentioned that buckee some of the devoted still hunters in this state did. An organization was created called the Mississippi Still Hunters Association. Yep, I was a member. Unfortunately the organizations voice fell on deaf ears with the state legislature and the wildlife department. It lasted about 4 or 5 years before they threw in the towel. The powers that be basically didn't want to upset the tradition. smirk.gif

Now there was 1 year I did belong to a club that ran dogs. That year was 1975. They weren't very well organized. Also wounding deer was accepted as "that just happens" and it did. I'm not surprised with the way the deer were high tailing it through the woods or across power lines. It's one thing shooting at a running deer but another shooting at one high tailing it with the after burners on. It didn't matter to them. see brown FIRE! After 3 weekends of that mess I had enough. To say the least it was way too dangerous with guys shooting at deer running without thinking what was beyond the deer.

I don't have a problem with them if they were ethical about it and didn't blatently break the law. Unfortunately I've had to experience that side of it too. Yea we can call the game warden about it (if you can reach them) but they have to catch them in the act and with so few of them patroling a large area there's little chance of that happening. Also there's not much they can do if the dog hunters are on their side of the property line even if their dogs are on our property.

We really only have a problem with one group that borders us and I've been hunting our property when they turned the dogs loose (deliberatly on us) and lined up around the edge of our property line shooting into us at deer their dogs were running out. Imagine sitting in your stand when someone does that and then empties thier rifle at a running deer. Ever heard bullets buzzing through the air while on your stand? I have! They have to know some of us are hunting in there but don't have enough sense to think about the fact that they are firing in someones direction. Either they just don't care if they are or are total idiots (probably both).

If done responsibly and ethically, I have no problem with it. There is another club that borders us that conducts their dog hunts in an ethical and responsible manner. We even call them if one of their dogs wonders over on us. They are good neighbors that try to keep their dogs on their property. I really can't say how I feel about the other yahoos on this forum. smirk.gif The other 3 or 4 neighbors are mainly still hunters. We only still hunt (stand hunt).

Oh I talked to a guy this past spring that had some idiots accidently shoot his house last year while trying to kill a deer run by dogs. crazy.gif

Sooner or later the irresponsible dog hunters will ruin it for the responsible guys.

Sorry I got into this can of worms Norm. wink.gif

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Yup..sorry folks..My apologies..

I have been off for so long recovering and such.. I just go off the deep end. I am sure the antis want to get deer hunting with dogs banned as much as they do rabbit hunting, fox hunting, coon hunting, bear hunting, mountain loin hunting and so on...see, in my opinion, it is not the dogs that need gotten rid of, it is the jerks who have no common sense and just shoot blindly.

I am sure dogs can be trained in many ways to help deer hunters in thick areas and swamps.

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I was just wondering where is the sport in deer dog hunting ? That to me would be like putting deer in a fence and walking in and shooting

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Wouldn't the sport be in training your dogs and listening to them run, then trying to be in the right place to take a shot? Just the deer just herd right to the hunters?

I've run bear and coyotes and coon with hounds and this just doesn't seem to be the way it happens. Generally, they run wherever they want and get away more often then not.

Could be wrong, I've never hunted deer with dogs. It's not legal where I hunt.

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I score fro BTR and still wil not even guess a score...The mass will play an important part in the score though.

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What 'choo talkin' bout Willis??? confused.gif

Sorry Norm...couldn't resist. grin.gif

I have only dog hunted a few times, but it was great fun. All over the net on hunting sites, you hear people say that there is so much more to hunting than just killing...the same for dog hunting for deer. There is strategy, positioning, shooting skill, comradierie, and fun! Granted, that dog hunting gets a bad rap for some really irresponsible hunters' actions...but when done right, it can be some of the most exciting hunting you can do.

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