I have a dilemma...(long post)


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Ok, hopefulyl some of you may have some advice for me, and this may be a long winded post but I have to explain to make it more understandable smirk.gif Ok, when I was 8, a pine needle poked me in my right eye, damaged the real lens in my eye, so I had to have surgery to remove the real lens, which left me practically blind; not totally blind but say an apple is on the counter- I can see it's red and see it is round and shaped like an apple but its all really really blurry, like looking underwater without goggles. So I had to wear a contact lens and glasses for a few years. Now I just wear a hard contact lens in my right eye and can see out of it just about 20/20. Of course not the perfect visions as in my left eye, and I don't think my depth perception in my right eye is as great, but I pretty much almost have normal vision. So I've had to wear a contact lens in my right eye longer than I've had normal vision which is a little sad but oh well. So when the eye injury happened, I had to learn to shoot a BB gun left handed, and when I started hunting, I shot my gun left handed, so although I'm right handed, I'm accustomed to shooting a gun left handed. When I started bow hunting, I thought about left handed, but since I could see fairly well out of my right eye, I stuck with shooting right handed so I guess that's a big accomplishment to be able to shoot a bow, using an eye that is blind unless you have a contact in grin.gif I've gotten a deer with bow every year that I've bow hunter - this year will be my 6th year I believe. Well I've started researching newish bows because my bow is ancient and I'd liek to have a new bow hopefully by next season but who knows with all this college stuff. My delimma is I've been wondering if I would be a better shooter/hunter if I switched to shooting a bow left handed because my left eye is obviously normal. In the future, like probably when I'm 50, my eyesight may not be as good because of the injury but thats along way from now. So I've been thinking maybe if I get a new bow, to get a left handed one, but I'm concerned about it being a hassle to learn to shoot a bow left handed; is this something that could be hard to do? I'm accustomed to shooting a bow right handed right now and with my contact in, can see fairly well, but it is really annoying when I get a piece of dirt or a smudge on my contact because then it messes up my right eye sight, obviously,duh tongue.gif If I switched to shooting a bow left handed, I wouldn't have to worry about having a perfectly clean contact,lol, even though it should be anyway, and I'd probably see better through my peep sight at dawn and dusk. So I'd really like to hear your advice/suggestions/encouragement if you have any to offer wink.gif I held my bow last night and pulled it back with my left hand; my left arm isn't as strong as my right,lol, but it might work, just not sure if I should stick with shooting right hand in the future or switch to left now.

Oh, and another question. Doesn't your dominant eye play in to shooting a bow? I know I read about to determine your dominant eye, make a triangle with your hands, look at an object through the triangle andm ove your hands towards your nose and whatever side the triangle seems to go towards is your dominant eye. I did it and each time it went towards my right eye, blocking my left so I'm pretty sure I'm right eye dominant anyway even if it is the injured eye- see what is part of my dilemma? tongue.gif I know I can rely on you guys for some help, so thanks in advance! Sorry for making this into a book,lol smirk.gif

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Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

hmmm...i'd say if you are more comfortable drawing a bow right handed, and if thats what has worked for you in the past...i would stick with it. I wear glasses (sometimes contacts)...i think my eyes are pretty bad...i had my laptop sitting on my lap and took my glasses off and could barely make out the words on the screen smile.gif...and i am left eye dominant...but i shoot my bow right hand and my guns left hand....just feels more comfortable to me when i pull back right handed....

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Guest KenMaxwell

Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

what i would do is buy a used bow which is left hand set up for cheap on ebay. try shooting it cor a couple of weeks and see how it feels, alot of times people will sell used bows especially left handed ones cheap because the demand is low.

see which hand feels more comfortable before you make a big investment and buy the bow you really want.

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Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

i also vote for leaving things as they are. if oyu shoot well right hadned, then stay with it until you have problems when you get older.

that will be many years down the road and your husband or oldest son can get you a left hand bow when that time comes ... wink.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Shoot Strong


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Guest malikai

Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

Good Luck turkey girl, I have exellent eyes (sorry to boast) And I cant imagine what it would be like without eyes such as mine. Hope it all works out for the best turkey girl.



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Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

Thanks everyone! I will probably stay with the right hand since that is what I'm use to; it would be a pain to switch left handed. I'm going up to Gander Mountain this weekend so I'm going to look at bows and see what feels good and what's a good deal price wise; who knows, I may come home with a new set-up.

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Guest always_ruttin

Re: I have a dilemma...(long post)

I am also right handed and have bad vision in my right eye only. When I was 11 I was hit in the head with a stick and in the hospital for a month after I had surgery to remove two peices of my skull from my brain. I recovered fine but when I was 17 I started noticing my vision in my right eye getting bad. I was hit in the left side of the head and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side controls the left side of the body. I am supposed to wear eyeglasses but i find them to uncomfortable. I need to get contacts but I would rather spend my money on something useful like a Switchback XT. Anyway, when I bow hunt I have to carry my binoculars and look at deer that are 20 yards away to determine if I want to shoot them. I have to focus in my binoculars and use them like glasses. wearing my glasses messes with my anchor point. I then aim at the blur, (I see well enough in my right eye to tell what part of the deer I'm aiming at). I have killed several bucks and does this way. I have never missed an animal bow hunting but I tend to wait for the perfect shot and don't shoot outside 25 or 30 yards at deer. I can't say the same about my rifle hunting, I have missed several times.

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