fishing with Ryan (fish)


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I got a chance to take my little cousin, Ryan, fishing for a day. He lives in Cambodia where his Dad is Head of Marine Security at the American Embassy there. The weather wasn't the best, rain and windy for the first few hours. Ryan's wing like ears actually caught enough wind at one point he became airborne...that's something you don't see everyday, so that was neat. smirk.gif

I don't get to see him much, maybe once every year or so, so it was good to see him and spend so much time with him. He sorta thinks highly of me...I blame that error in judgement on his youth. wink.gif

Anyway, I got to play Dad for the day, and we had fun. I've fished this pond for the better part of my life. It used to be a huge fish producer (I actually landed a 10-pounder there a long time ago). Since I've moved an hour away, this was the first time I've fished it in three years. Unfortunately, it seems the lake has to many bass and they've stunted themselves. So the fish weren't big, but we caught a lot.

Before the rain came:


after the rain came (this one's my favorite):


smallish bass we were catching all day:


good one here:


it started to rain pretty hard so we hid out in the pines for a while. Ryan had my hat and polarized sunglasses on. The light coming through made for an erie atomosphere, I thought the B&W would capture didn't, but it still turned out nice:


the pond:


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Re: fishing with Ryan (fish)

yeah, I moved around quite a bit, but I spent the majority of my childhood in it there, actually, if it was up to me, I would have bought a house in Hinckley. But Sarah wouldn't have been happy that far away from her friends. I'm OK where I'm at...keeps me close to places that look like those other pics. grin.gif

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