Got a new toy! A deer cam!


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Guest always_ruttin

Re: Got a new toy! A deer cam!

I just got a new Moultrie digital game watcher 2.1 megapixel from Wal-Mart on tuesday morning I sat it up tuesday afternoon and went back wednesday a little after noon to see if it was working properly and I had some pictures taken so I took the card out and left the camera shut off since it doesn't have a screen to see the deer with just internal memory and I would have to take it down to view the pictures it took without the card, anyway I hade several pictures of some does around 10:30 the same day I checked it. Went to put the card back in it around 5 that afternoon. When I got back to where my camera was hung there was a big old fresh buck turd 15 feet from the camera frown.gif I couldn't beleive it I need to get a second card so when I go to check it I can just swap out the cards.

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Re: Got a new toy! A deer cam!


I just got a new Moultrie digital game watcher 2.1 megapixel from Wal-Mart on tuesday morning I sat it up tuesday afternoon and went back wednesday a little after noon to see if it was working properly and I had some pictures taken so I took the card out and left the camera shut off since it doesn't have a screen to see the deer with just internal memory and I would have to take it down to view the pictures it took without the card, anyway I hade several pictures of some does around 10:30 the same day I checked it. Went to put the card back in it around 5 that afternoon. When I got back to where my camera was hung there was a big old fresh buck turd 15 feet from the camera frown.gif I couldn't beleive it I need to get a second card so when I go to check it I can just swap out the cards.

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How do you know it was a buck turd?

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Re: Got a new toy! A deer cam!


What kind did you get? Have fun with it Becky.

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Actually, I got TWO!

I got another right after posting about the first one.

Both are Stealth cams. First one is a cheapie bought off ebay and its 35mm.

The second one I got off a coworker. Its a bit more costly and its digital.

I hope to hang both of them this weekend. wink.gif

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