GATOR ????? is that really you???


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I don't get it. I thought Gator stood for gator-fan.

I just picked up a copy of FSU's 2006 football calender, and the guy on the front sure looks familiar, even if his helmet is on crooked ...LOL smile.gif


Then I start doing a little investigating and run across these wonderful sportsmans pictures. ooo.gif



Is this the same Gator ??? confused.gif

Please tell me those are just cooking aprons. grin.gif










( PS - this photochop session was a special order from huntin_girl )

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Re: GATOR ????? is that really you???


I don't get it. I thought Gator stood for gator-fan.

I just picked up a copy of FSU's 2006 football calender, and the guy on the front sure looks familiar, even if his helmet is on crooked ...LOL smile.gif


Then I start doing a little investigating and run across these wonderful sportsmans pictures. ooo.gif



Is this the same Gator ??? confused.gif

Please tell me those are just cooking aprons. grin.gif










( PS - this photochop session was a special order from huntin_girl )

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Now bygawd, thats hittin below the belt!!!!! OOOOO I so wish I could photoshop............ Somehow I think huntingirl is behind this to.........

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Guest Andrea

Re: GATOR ????? is that really you???

I went to the bank to make the weekly deposits and when I get back I see that Jason has finally seen the light. blush.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

But I must need to re-think the whole skirt outfit thing you got goin there. Not really masculine............... wink.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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Re: GATOR ????? is that really you???


Those colors make me wanna hurl!!!

But that's okay, I just realized something, I distinctly remeber Florida kicking the SNOT out of FSU last year, you remeber THAT Andrea?? Huh? Do ya???

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confused.gif Then why are you wearing those colors grin.gif

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Re: GATOR ????? is that really you???



Those colors make me wanna hurl!!!

But that's okay, I just realized something, I distinctly remeber Florida kicking the SNOT out of FSU last year, you remeber THAT Andrea?? Huh? Do ya???

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confused.gif Then why are you wearing those colors grin.gif

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I dunno, (GAG) I can't seem to get them (GAG) off fast (GAG) enough (GAG)!!!!!!

Think I WILL go hurl now!!

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Re: GATOR ????? is that really you???




Love the skirt Gator. cool.gif

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BITE ME!!!!!!!!!! grin.gif

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You wantin to be a mod and all you cant be saying that! blush.gifblush.gifblush.gifblush.gifblush.gif

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Whoever said anything about ME becoming a MOD? I told you yesterday to lay off the wacky tobakky son!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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