deer with big lumps on him


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Re: deer with big lumps on him

It's not that uncommon actually. I could be a growth or a Tumor. Never harvested one so I'm not sure about the deer meat wise. I would call a local DNR biologist and check with them. If the Deer is sick it may need to be taken out of the wild. If it's just a growth then shoot away. Good luck either way

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Re: deer with big lumps on him

I have killed 2 deer that had tumors. One was a spike that had about 50 coin-sized ones all over him, with some bigger ones on his head and neck. The other was a 5-point with several large ones on his side and legs. I was told that they are just skin tumors and come off with the hide, but i didn't take the chance of eating them. I'm not sure if they are contagious or anything, but i figured it would be best to get them out of the herd. what part of his body are the growths on?

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Re: deer with big lumps on him

Bleh. That is gross. Seriously guys, I bet most of your local DNR officers would grant you a new tag and tell you not to eat deer with any kind of disease or tumors or lumps. I have a buddy that shot a doe and didn't find her for a few days. The weather was warm and she was rotting. Our DNR officer gave him a new tag. My dad killed a buck one time that we didn't find until the next morning. The coyotes found him first and ate about 30% of the meat. The same officer gave my dad a new tag because the buck was ruined. You should find out what your DNR would say about stuff like that.

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Guest Bar2hnter

Re: deer with big lumps on him

I got the pics from my father. He got them from a co-worker. The co-worker's son killed this deer in Tennessee. Follow me so far?

I never did hear what the diagnosis was of this deer's affliction. My dad called them Deer Warts, but I'm sure it turned out to be more tumorish, than actual warts.

The story I was told was that the hunter was walking from his stand, about the time when it's after legal shooting hours but still light enough to see silhouettes and such. He noticed a deer in the path in front of him. Naturally, the hunter just stood there and to let the deer go ahead and pass on across the path. The deer just stood there. The guy actually started to walk at the deer, thinking maybe the deer just wasn't aware the hunter was there. Instead of bolting off, the deer starting walking toward the hunter. The hunter stopped and the deer stopped. The hunter decided to reload his gun...remembering all the crazy buck-in-rut stories. The more the noise the hunter made, the closer the deer came. Finally, the hunter that the deer was just too close for comfort and he shot and killed the buck. It really wasn't until after he turned on his flashlight that he realized that the was so covered with these "warts" that it was blind and had been moving toward the hunter's movement and noise.

I don't much about what happened afterwards, but I believe I remember my dad saying that they turned the deer over to a biologists. Where it went from there, I'm not real sure.

Another pic...


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Re: deer with big lumps on him

I shot a huge doe several years ago, that had white tumors all over on her insides. I tagged her, and had them tested by the DNR. Within 5 days, they sent me a letter stating that all tests were showing fatty tumors. I seriously thought it was TB. They also told me I could cut her up and eat the meat. I have kids at home, and my cousin doesn't, so I gave him the meat. He wasn't worried about it, but I just wasn't sure.


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