Guest deldeer Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 i wanted to get some feedback on baiting deer. i have tryed corn in the past without much luck. i was told because i put it in the woods about 200yrds. from the nearest field that it could have possibly made them very nervous. they seem to hit it at nite only.has anyone ever heard of that? & what about that deer cain????........thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuZZyMomentZ Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 Re: baiting deer Well baiting is legal in Oklahoma before anyone jumps all over my case... =) Anyhoo, I have put out corn where my stand was deep in the woods. It's kinda like a deer highway where I hunt. And when a deer traveling down that highway needs a lil grub.. they usually have no problem stoppin in and having a bite about 8 yards away =D I have used some other things as well... "Buck Jam" which is like a gallon jug of sweet sweet candy. It comes in all different types of flavors so pick which one goes with your hunting area the best. I have used the sweet corn and the apple. The morning that I put out the apple I saw 18 deer, 8 of which were bucks. I like to use things like "Buck Jam" and "Buck Snort" because it puts off quite the aroma and constantly brought deer into my stand for me. Try this... getta bag of corn and put it out by your stand. Pour either the buck jam or buck snort over the top of it to make a delicious sundae the deer can't resist! Note: When using the Buck Jam apply it to dead logs and things of that nature in your area and it will make a mineral lick that will last several weeks. I have been very successful using corn combined with these other products...enjoy!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VermontHunter Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 Re: baiting deer When deer feed at night or early in the morning before leagal shooting time this is known as the deer being naucturnal. Corn, Apples and Carrots are known as feeds and deercain, buckgrub and simalar products have attractant added to them. I wouldn't say that you made them nervous but skeptical it takes time for them to become comfortable this usually takes a few days and you must limit your presence from the area's you put feed down. Hope this helps and I'm sure others will give you tips and hints as well thay are all great people here in the forums and will help you out the best they can. Keep at it and good luck.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
popgun Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 Re: baiting deer In my opinion having a feeding station 200 yds. into the woods is not making the deer spooky. I have feeders on the edge of fields, in the middle of the woods, and in the middle of the fields and they get hit really hard. Problem is, they get hit hard before daylight, after dusk, and in the middle of the night. The deer slacked off a little in their feeding when the acorns were falling but are finally going back to the feeders. I am not sure, but I have been feeding the deer for about four years now, and they seem to be more nocturnal around the feeders. I am afraid that I may even be teaching the deer in my area to be nocturnal. I am now thinking that if I did not have the feeders out there, that the deer would be forced to travel more to find their food. We had a Cuddeback trail camera set up last year at the feeders, and all but one or two photos were at night. Since the deer seem to be hitting the feeders after dark and before daylight, I have been trying to set up on their travel routes to catch them earlier. I have had some pretty good success using this method. I am still learning. .....popgun Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whitetailkiller Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 Re: baiting deer baiting is legal here too!!!!!! i found that when i put 100 pounds of corn out (say on wednessday) and put another 100 pounds out on friday.....the deer(here) are all over it 1-2 hours before sunset, and throughout the nights!!!!!!!!both does this year were over my bait pile!!!! good luck!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerdanmagic Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 Re: baiting deer I consistantly have both does and bucks at my corn feeders--breakfast lunch and dinner. no matter what time of day, they come on in. I too use Buck Jam and Buck Snort. they works as a an attractant and as a cover scent for me. I have never used deer caine or other products like that, but would if i heard good results Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest joeky Posted December 2, 2004 Report Share Posted December 2, 2004 Re: baiting deer I live in a suburb of Atlanta. Tuesday at 3 p.m. I poured out about thirty lbs. of corn. Wednesday the deer were feeding on the corn two different times. also, Thursday morning. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
superguide Posted December 3, 2004 Report Share Posted December 3, 2004 Re: baiting deer It's legal here in Sask. but i rarely hunt over a bait-can't sit still lol. Big bucks really hit a bait if it gets real cold right after the rut-trying to get some shape back on I guess. People usually use oats,field peas or good alfalfa hay for bait here-one thing about hay is the squirrels don't clean your bait up. When I used to guide deer actually would come to the quad noise-bears REALLY do lol. We keep a bait going for company to hunt over or if a kid wants to try sitting-kind of keeps them out of my hair lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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