NY Catskill Black Bear Videos

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Our apple trees lost some of their apples last week so I decided to rake the fallen apples up from underneath the tree and pile em and put the trail cam over it. For the most part it was just a doe and her twin fawns on it, but then on the second day, we got video of a black bear. Bears are sorta uncommon for up there, but we know they are there. This makes two years in a row that we are seeing a bear on our land.




It looks to be a young bear, judging by the ear size to the skull size, but the body looks big. Any input on that is appreciated.

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Re: NY Catskill Black Bear Videos

It looks like it was alone Joe...so it was either a yearling that was chased from the den out to find its own home range or a small momma with cubs under the camera that could not be seen.

Either way...its good to know there is a bear in that area. We know there is a plentiful supply of berries/apples around there right? That should keep a bear around for alittle bit. Animals are starting to fatten for the fall, as they fatten we shoot bullseyes grin.gif

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