777 primers


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I picked up some primers the other day that are supposed to be cleaner burning. they are made by winchester and are supposed to be designed for 777 and pyrodex does any one know how hot they are in reference to regular 209 primers? im hoping they are alot cooler bcause i think some of my groups suffer because 209 primers are so hot

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Re: 777 primers

A buddy of mine shoots those and they are a lot cleaner but I've not heard him say anything about how the burn. Now with the 777 you don't have to shoot 150 grains. I shoot 130 grains and it shoots about the same as 150 of pyrodex. Maybe that is part of the problem. 777 burns a lot hotter because of the no sulfer thing

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Re: 777 primers

I have read many articles that claim 209 primers are so hot the can acually shift or unseat a load b4 the powder is ignited causeing inconsistent shot groups. that is what i believe i have experienced in the past. i have bought a few differnt bullets and primers and am planing on doing some more experementing b4 this fall.

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Guest fishermanwhohunts

Re: 777 primers


I have read many articles that claim 209 primers are so hot the can acually shift or unseat a load b4 the powder is ignited causeing inconsistent shot groups. that is what i believe i have experienced in the past. i have bought a few differnt bullets and primers and am planing on doing some more experementing b4 this fall.

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To solve this problem, use loose powder. and after you pour powder down the barrel, tap the gun a few times to get some powder into the flash hole. This should cause instant ignition.

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Re: 777 primers

I don't know if Olin has released any new primers that are cooler but the only ones they list on their web site are the standard W209 primers. They say Muzzleloading on the box but this is packaging only. The contents are still the same.

I agree that the 209 is not a good choice for muzzleloading. I use small rifle primers either in Vari Flame adapters or use them in a .25 ACP case to ignite my Pyrodex or Triple 7. My accuracy and consistancy is much better with the weaker primers than the 209.

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Re: 777 primers

Maybe it's the fact that I'm using FFg GOEX with the Winchester 209 primers but I'm getting just over 1" groups @ 100yds and have not had any problems so far with inconsistency.

90gr powder charge-250gr Jacketed Hollow Point XTP,

Spit Patch/Dry Patch inbetween each shot works best for my rifle.

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