Pothole I Hunt


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Re: Pothole I Hunt

It's actually the Paint Rock River which flows into the TN River. We get all kinds of ducks in there...especially when the river overflows its banks. Those flooded soybean and corn fields fill up with ducks when the water gets out. It was actually out of its banks the day I took the pic. Wood ducks are plentiful in there but we also get a fair share of mallards and gadwalls also.

What part of the TN river will you be hunting? I live near Guntersville Lake which has great duck hunting.

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Guest JupiterCoyote

Re: Pothole I Hunt

I've always heard good things about Guntersville but never been there, and I'm planning on trying it out this year. (I'm in Birmingham)

Buddy of mine says he can put me on some spots on the river, so hopefully he's not full of it.

He also says in Jan. the place is full of canvasbacks and goldeneyes, if you can get them away from the coots!

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Re: Pothole I Hunt

Early in the season it gets pretty crowded on Guntersville Lake. A lot of people launch their boats the night before season opens and camp out on an island to get an early start the next morning.

I will tell you this much. I've seen more ducks this year than I have in the last 3 years...they seem to be here early for some reason. Best of luck.

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Guest JupiterCoyote

Re: Pothole I Hunt

well, is it tough to get a spot on Guntersville or are there pleny of islands to go around?

Any time of the season that is less crowded than others?

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