Card sign-up (please pin)


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Re: Card sign-up (please pin)

Here are the senders and their list of names to put on their card

HuntinginMaine (Linda), southern Maine .......sender

MichiganHuntr1, Ottawa Lake, MI

Jeramie, Locust Grove, Okieland.

David - (DSGB), Columbus, GA

Rhino, Mississippi

Aaron- Carbonhunter, Granville, Ohio

Justin Reid Stafford (nightscapes), VA

Corey Reid Falmouth, Va

John (tedicast), Beacon Falls, CT

LifeNRA (John) - Pennsylvania

Norman (jerdanmagic), Oklahoma

outdoorgirl, Malone, NY

OJR, in Idaho. .......................sender


William (wtnhunt), Tennessee

mallardman68, Hopewell, Virginia

Bruce Schmeck - Pennsylvania

John (buckbuster11), Shelocta, Pennsylvania

Tony...Winterset ,Iowa

Gary Smoot (need2hunt), Sterling, IL

Ruth (Turkeygirl), New York

michael (trophyfishwy),

Matt AKA Archerjg, Maryland

pitbull1964, detroit

swamphunter1968, Northern NY....sender

flyrod64, Waynesville North Carolina

HarvDog, Montclair, Virginia

brad dryden, Madison, Indiana

Tominator, Sunbury, Ohio

gobbler1, milroy pa.

whitetailkiller, Maryland,

Michiganbowhunter_SQ2, Swartz Creek, mi

Adkhunter , UpState NY

NY911Bowhunter, Dutchess County,NY

IowaDeerHunter, Remsen, Iowa

johnf, Arkansas

Let's get er done

I will PM each sender also with their list and the address/s to send the card to.

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Re: Card sign-up (please pin)

Yes, my card went out today

buckee, Vancouver Island,B.C.Canada ........sender

Al Winstead (Dartonman), Byron, Illinois

Lewis Ross, Nova Scotia

VermontHunter, NW, Vermont

texastrophies, Houston Texas

AdvantageTimberLou, Kawkawlin, MI

Todd(dogdoc), Oklahoma city, OK

Palssonater, Manitoba, Canada

Brett (sureshot), Saskatchewan

Ryan (aka huntin'sonovagun) Claremore, OK

Cory (superguide), Saskatchewan

Gary W Smith, New York

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Re: Card sign-up (please pin)

Heres what I sent

swamphunter1968, Northern NY....sender

flyrod64, Waynesville North Carolina

HarvDog, Montclair, Virginia

brad dryden, Madison, Indiana

Tominator, Sunbury, Ohio

gobbler1, milroy pa.

whitetailkiller, Maryland,

Michiganbowhunter_SQ2, Swartz Creek, mi

Adkhunter , UpState NY

NY911Bowhunter, Dutchess County,NY

IowaDeerHunter, Remsen, Iowa

johnf, Arkansas

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