Grammar lesson


Recommended Posts it me, or is the word "ironic" misused a lot??? I think I misuse it a lot, but not sure. I looked in the dictionary and it says something along the lines of "sarcasm". I always thought of "irony" being more along the lines of "coincidence." (I am writing another stupid paper if you can't tell. tongue.gif) I really hate this crap, and if I can't use irony (my main point of the paper) I will have to somehow change my topic. You guys wouldn't understand why, but anyway.........

So.....what is IRONY?!?!?!?!? mad.gif

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Re: Grammer lesson

It's ironic that you spelled Grammar wrong. grin.gif

The most misused word, IMO, isn't even a word. I see you know that.

A lot are two separate words.

Alot is not a word.

Allot is, but has an entirely different meaning.

I guess I took too long with my post and Muggs beat me to it. grin.gif

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Re: Grammar lesson


A post about grammar and we have yet to hear from Tominator. Something isn't right here! lol

[/ QUOTE ]

don't get me started:

most ironic thing i see every year. in fact, it will happen again Monday.

deer in my area dodge arrows, bolts, slugs and bullets all week during gun season. gun season ends Sunday at sunset, the the deer get the idea to head off to safer land and WHACK!, get hit by a car.

now that's ironic

BTW--my pet peeves on grammar (since somebody brought it up)

Tomorrow, not Tomarrow

there's a difference between "to, too and two" look it up--please

there's also a difference between "your and you're"

and y'all should really learn how to capitalize the beginning of sentences. blush.gifgrin.gif

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