Definition of a trophy


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A lot of hunters quanitfy their trophies with inches, pounds or other...some lose perspective as to what the greatest part about hunting is...being together, or alone in our great outdoors(my opinion)...some may have other reasons, but I am sad to see those embarassed about the size of deer they shoot...we should all be proud of our trophies whether they are a doe, spike, forkhorn, or whatever...I encourage everyone to post their pics of all the deer they shoot...I like to hear the stories... smile.gif

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Re: Definition of a trophy

I have a couple definitions to trophies!

1: would be a nice mature animal! One that would score!

2: would be a deer that a certian action came into play during the hunt! Or something that was special about the hunt! Like this year i rattled in my very 1st buck! LIL 7 point but he went down! It was a trophy to me!

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Definition of a trophy

Just being outdoors and enjoying the wildlife that comes your way is priceless....last evenings watch i saw a first....i watched it for a good hour made my i agree never be embarassed of what you have shot...**** some hunter never get a chance to shoot a deer at all.

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Re: Definition of a trophy

My definition of a Trophy

1 - When I decide, "Yeah, this is the one I want (whether it be a doe, young buck or old buck)" and I make a clean, legal, successful shot ... the animal laying there on the ground is my Trophy.

2 - All the wonderful sights and sounds I see and hear while out for a day in the woods or field....That is my Trophy

I always feel a bit better if I shoot a mature doe or buck instead of a smaller one, but we all do that. That's part of the exciting part of hunting too.

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Re: Definition of a trophy

To me a doe shot while still hunting is more of a trophy than a boone and crockett shot out of a truck window. I refuse to enter deer in our wildlife competition because there are roadhunted animals entered. It's the situation more than the animal-the buck that Ty rattled out is a trophy to me etc. The one I was almost froze when I shot it etc.

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Re: Definition of a trophy

i do look at my does i shoot with bow as trophies of a sort and also practicing good deer management....

i guess with all the monster buck videos out most new bowhunters and most of us as well want to shoot monster bucks.. we need to tell them to take the first deer that comes along to build confidence and experience...

i did not do this when i started out bowhunting.. i went 8 seasons hunting for a big bucks and never shot any deer with bow.. even though i was seeing a lot of deer i could have shot back in Ohio..

now i realize now that bowhunting is more than just trophies , its the experience of using a primitive weapon to take a deer in a humane manner ....

its the prepartion and anticipation of the season to come. we all dream of monster bucks while on stand but in reality we each make up in our own mind what it is ...

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