wally world carbon express terminator arrows


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hey guys what are your thoughts on the carbon express terminator arrows they sell at wally world? i was their today and picked up 4. They seem to be fine, pretty straight as far as i can tell. But while i was their some guy was like i wouldnt get any of those, they are usually chipped or bent all up. well i got them anyway because i need some more arrows to practice with but it got me to thinking, would wally world sell a "bad" or second carbon express arrow. i figure if its carbon express it cant be to awefully bad. what are yalls thoughts. I do plan on buying my arrows from my local pro shop but they where closed and i didnt know when i could get back. The price wasnt to bad either. laugh.gif

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Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

i shot them the last 2 yrs and the seem to be fine. make sure to inspect every arrow regardless of brand after shooting them! i am sure someone could dig up a post to show you what could happen if you don't! i guy shot one and it broke and stuck in his hand!

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Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

awewsome, just what i wanted to hear. yea i always inspect my arrows because usually after i pull them out of my target the broadheads/feildpoints are a little loose to i have to twist them a little. but i hear bow wax or even a little sop on the threads will take care of that.

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Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

while checking them after your shot is important, equally important is that you select a shaft that is made for your bow.

so you must know your draw weight and draw length. that way your not underspined and shooting to light an arrow for the poundage of your bow..

that can be dangerous to you and not good for your bow..

Shoot Strong


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Guest kscumminsdriver

Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

Shouldn't really be a problem with the arrows. When I was shooting aluminums, I bought all of my arrows at Walmart and never had a problem with them.

Last year I bought a new bow and switched to carbons. We also got a Gander Mtn. so I have them cut my arrows to my desired length.

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Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

I ended up buying some from wal mart right before season last year because i was running out of practice arrows... I liked them so much i decided to hunt with them instead of my vapors... Only problem i had was one breaking in half going through a deer.. but of course that is far from being a problem

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Guest BowHunter81

Re: wally world carbon express terminator arrows

On your det up what u need to do to ensure you correct shaft lenght is to put the arrow on your bow and draw it back, then get someone to measure from the front of your arrow rest out 1 inch and mark it, that your correct arrow length

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