What should I do?

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I love horses and love to ride. My aunts taught me how to ride both bare-back and with the saddle. With my job and all I can more than likely afford to buy a horse and pay for room and board, but my parents don't think so. I know you will pro'ly just say to go along w/ my parents, but I just had to get this frustration out of my system. I would eventually like to buy a couple hundred acres of ranch land and have a ranch house and a stable filled w/ about ten horses. I feel like I'm a country boy living in a city.

Dakota frown.gif

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Re: What should I do?

I've got a horse-a beautiful 9-year-old Arabian who is a VERY very unpredictable livewire. I'm the only one who dares to ride him, grin.gif, but lately I've been so super busy I haven't been able to much at all, which makes it even harder for me next time I ride him. frown.gif

So before you take the step of buying one, make sure you will always have enough time for it. It's a big commitment, but it sure is fun to have one of your own! laugh.gif

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Re: What should I do?

Horses are very very expensive, and time consuming. I'd ride your aunts horses for a year or so to make sure you really really want one and that it isn't just a lil stage your going through. A good horse costs about 1500$ or more. Saddle and tack is around 700$ if you get good deals, not to mention vet bills, feed, and shoes and shoeing. Make sure it's something you really want before jumping in head first.

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Re: What should I do?

we run 5 horses on our ranch, they're my whole life during the summers. it's pretty expensive to put them up in stables, owning your own land is cheaper. it just depends on how much time you are planning to spend with it. if you want a real challenge, colts/fillies are much cheaper and you can either pay someone to start it or you can yourself, thats what i do. if i lived over there id prolly do it for ya for free ...but i think thats too far to go to work with horses lol. like i said, depends on time and money available. good ranch horses cost alot, i could even keep an eye out for some well broke cheep horses if ya'd like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What should I do?

Hey Dakota buddy .. you know I think you have enough on you r plate atm ... you should get settled in and just take it easy for a while .. you are so young and you have all this time ahead of you ... just take it slow and easy ... sorry bud I have to go with mom and dad on this one ... just ride at your aunts house for now ... show them you really do have a passion for it ... take real good care of the horses out there ... it will all come together for you ... you have to of the best parents in the world .. they wouldn't stear you wrong.


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