2 of my Deer mounts

Guest Scraper

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Guest Scraper

the first series of pictures is my 162" Buck that I harvested on Camera for a local TV Hunting Show which aired on our local TV network. My buddy owns/operates Eastern Outdoors TV. Parkersburg, WV

This buck is semi-sneak with a Right Shoulder offset and open mouth.










This second buck is one that I harvested in WV a 2 years ago. I shot him with my .338 Ruger on the Saturday of teh First week of season. Note the tall tines and width, but no bow tines. My local Taxidermist said that he saw many deer that year without Brow tines. This buck is semi-sneak slight right turn




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Guest Scraper

Re: 2 of my Deer mounts

After looking back at my harvest pictures, my deers inner ears were not white, but rather beige looking, I wonder if it was due to the fact that he was harvested in mid-september? This taxidermist is a 30+yr award winning artist that does not use ear liners. I have never really paid attention, but I will look at the ears on mounts.

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Re: 2 of my Deer mounts


After looking back at my harvest pictures, my deers inner ears were not white, but rather beige looking, I wonder if it was due to the fact that he was harvested in mid-september? This taxidermist is a 30+yr award winning artist that does not use ear liners. I have never really paid attention, but I will look at the ears on mounts.

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That's because a deer inner ear is not white! A live deer will have an ear color ranging from fleshy pink to a brighter pinkish red depending on mood and season. Of corse, the more hair inside the ear the whiter it will look at anytime. The inner ear looks white/greyish after harvest because there is no longer blood pumping to the area. Same thing with the interior nasal areas. It looks to me that no finish work was done to the ears in your first mount, so what your seeing is the dry tanned skin on top of the Bondo. The fact that someone is an award winning taxi with 30 years experience usually means little when it come to commercial work.

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Guest Scraper

Re: 2 of my Deer mounts

Like I said, i shot this on video which aired on TV. We took the deer we harvested to shows for promotion of the show. The color of the ears is not that prominent as it is being shown on camera. Granted the ears are not white inside, but they are not as beige looking as they appear to be in the picture.

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