favorite/most memorable


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Re: favorite/most memorable

My son isn't old enough to hunt yet so for now it has to be my first buck. That was also my first year hunting away from my father. I know when he came over that hill and saw me and that deer he was way more ecited than I was and I was overwelmed. That was the first time I saw my dad tear up. He was dancing around and yelling. Something tells me I will be doing the same thing in a couple of years

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Guest lobsterman

Re: favorite/most memorable

mine is probably, the first doe i shot, i was 12 sitting with my dad, and two of them walked up to us...that started an awesome tradition that my father passed down to me, and one that i will someday pass on to my kids...

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Re: favorite/most memorable

For me I think it was 2003. Got 4 deer that year and wounded/slowed down an 8 pt, for one of the other guy in the gang to finish. We party hunt so the amount of deer killed must match the amount of hunters, no matter who got the kill. Anyways those four gave me 8 on my career at that time(I'm at 9 now). It wasn't till I got my last one that it was memorable because it was my first antlered buck. A good little 6 pt. I was watching a trail coming up from a swampy creek for a bit. There wasn't much action so I decided to go check out the field about 40 yards away. And there he was about 200 yrds out feeding. The rest is history.

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Guest MikeWinters

Re: favorite/most memorable

My first deer i ever got and it was a 6 point buck with a bow. and this season im going to bag some does because theres too many. 11 does and 4 bucks

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Re: favorite/most memorable

I'd have to say to date...my most favorite hunt is last springs turkey hunt with my son Joe aka(squirrellhunter91). We thought we were about to get skunked and was getting down on the hunt, then we heard these thunderous gobbles. He asked for my 3 1/2" 12ga and handed me his .20ga. Joe called that big ole tom in all by himself and when it was time...he sat it right down...That was my fav.

Now my most memorable... was of course Joes 1st deer, a doe with a bow. Remember the story?

Me tracking Joes wounded deer, that jumped into the stream behind the house, me having to wrestle it in the water, drown it, then cutting my finger, by putting the hole in her ear for the tag! Because I could not feel my hands from the previous swimming session,digital camera in my pocket while deer wrestlingin the stream, then going to the ER for 5 stitches and the nurse in the ER ready to call the police because I had alot blood on my clothes , deer blood.

Yup...that was the most memorable for sure.

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Re: favorite/most memorable

Mine would be the fall of 2003. The opening day of gun season in Michigan. My grandpa and I were hunting within 100 yards of each other on state land so we walked in together. I had a doe permit but we agreed I shouldnt shoot a doe until later in the day. About a half hour after day break a buck appeared sneaking through the swamp in front of me. I stopped him with a whistle and dropped him in his tracks. At about 10:30 I saw my grandpa stand up behind me so I went to see how he was doing. He says "what the heck are you doing shooting at does this early in the morning?". I told him " i wasnt, i got a buck!" Then he was pumped and excited. He said "lets sit until noon and ill come over and help you gut him", and I said "ok". At about 11:00am he decided to get "The Can" out and do some bleets. I thought he waqs way over doing it and was going to spook every deer in the area away. Low and behold I look up and theres a group of 4 mature does in front of me running right for his bleets. They were about to pass me at 35-40 yards when the group stopped and I picked a bigger one out and dropped her. I turn around and give grandpa the signal that I had another one down and he just looked to the ground and shook his head. LOL. He came over and we got the deer cleaned and back to the truck and the excitement in the air was just awesome. He was just as excited for me as if he would have killed the deer. That was the last hunt we ever shared together. He fell out of his tree stand bow hunting the following fall and passed away.......but I still feel him beside me every hunt Im on and will never foreget that last hunt we had together.


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Guest Mathews4

Re: favorite/most memorable

opening day of bow season last year. i was in my stand watchin some squrriels chase each other when i saw some legs in the brush behind me. a few minutes later a nice 8 point walked by only 5 yards away...so i drew back..well half way because my saftey harness stopped my arm from goin any farther. i had to stand there as he walked off. but 2 weeks later i finally got him when he chased a doe by my stand...lol

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Re: favorite/most memorable

good post.

It would have to be the day I shot my first deer. My buddy shot a deer in the morning, that was his first deer as well. He dressed it out, went and got some lunch and returned for an evening hunt. About 1 in, 4 doe and 2 bucks came by my stand. It was gun season so they were being pushed, just so happened, the biggest, a decent 9 pointer stopped and I made a great shot.

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Re: favorite/most memorable

Every deer hunt has been an extremely memorable event in my life, but our moose hunt in Ontario Canada is the one that stands out the most for me. First of all, every experience on that hunt provided something completely new in terms of methods, scenery and results.

Four of us packed in with two canoes, deep into the maze of swamps and lakes to the point where we never experienced a manmade sound other than our own. We saw wildlife that I will never again see in real-life. The hunt was accompanied by some unbelievable fishing during the mid-day. And, we did manage to get a bull. It just doesn't get any better than that.

So while all the hunts have supplied some memorable moments, this moose hunt provided the most intense and unusual experiences and memories.


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Re: favorite/most memorable

Definitely the evening I shot this buck.


Hangunnr from the forums was in for a week of pre-rut bowhunting. We saw gobs of deer and gobs of bucks all week. This guy was somewhere around the 20th different buck I had seen from the same stand in 5 days of hunting. To top it all off.....my whole family was able to come to right where he fell and share in the back slapping and picture taking. Great week spent with family & great friends.

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Guest NCSUHunter829

Re: favorite/most memorable

When I took my brother hunting for the first time I watched twelve deer walk buy in a row at 75 yards and he didn't shoot a single one. He was so nervous that he couldn't find the deer in the scope and when he could find them he couldn't get positioned to get a clear picture thru the scope.(too much black in the scope) I didn't know whether to take the gun from him and shoot one or bust out laughing. That was last day of the season last year. I have not let him forget that yet, but its ok because he'll get one this year now that he is over his first deer "panic."

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Guest TIGER81

Re: favorite/most memorable


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Guest ILclimber

Re: favorite/most memorable

Back in 95', Dad took my on my first Shotgun sit and we got a double from the same stand! Two does in one hour we were tickled to death, and ever since then I have been hooked!

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