slughunter Posted August 28, 2006 Report Share Posted August 28, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable when I shot my first buck, a nice WI 8-pointer: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HarvDog Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Had to be the day I took my first (and second) deer. Here is the story directly from my web page. Opening day of muzzleloader (black powder) season - Saturday, November 1, 2003: My alarm clock went off at 3:50am on Saturday morning. I hardly got any sleep anticipating opening day of muzzleloader season. All of my hunting gear was already packed and ready to go so I quickly showered and dressed (being particularly aware of scent control). I picked up my hunting buddy, Joel, and his gear at 4:30am then headed to our hunting site. When we arrived, we changed into our hunting (camo) gear and headed into the woods. It was still dark by the time we were both settled in our treestands about 80 yards apart. I was already scanning the woods when it started getting light around 6:00am. Around 6:30am, I spotted two deer around Joel’s stand. After a brief scare from a fox, both deer came back together and began heading towards me on a small path. I grabbed my rifle and tried to calm myself down. At about 30 yards, they stopped at a small creek. Both deer appeared to be doe as they had no antlers, but I could see that the deer in the lead was slightly bigger so I focused on that one. They started moving from my left along the side of the creek towards my 8 o’clock. As they went behind some shrubs, I slowly got into position and cocked the sidelock of my .50 cal muzzleloader rifle. My heart was racing at a million miles an hour. I raised my rifle and began aiming in the clearing just ahead of where they were walking. The first deer came right into my sights and I began slowly squeezing the trigger. With a loud boom, a huge cloud of smoke came from the barrel along with my 295 grain hollow-point Powerbelt bullet. After the shot, I expected to hear both deer running away. To my surprise, I didn’t hear anything. As the smoke cleared, I saw the deer lying on the ground. Dropped it in its tracks! That was at 6:45am. I was so excited that I didn’t even think about reloading. I then noticed that the second deer was still standing approximately 5 yards behind where I shot the first one. I started reloading as the second deer turned around and crossed the creek heading even closer to me. I froze as she finally stopped at about 15 yards to my left. Each time she looked down or around, I tried to finish reloading. She must have seen me moving at one point as she turned and ran back across the creek and deeper into the woods. Joel and I traded messages on our mobile phones and I learned that the deer I shot was a button buck. We hunted for a few more hours without seeing anything else before getting down to recover my deer. After a few pictures, Joel walked me through, step-by-step, field dressing (gutting) my deer. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We headed back into the woods about 3:00pm after taking my deer to the game check station/processor and grabbing some breakfast. Around 3:30pm, I heard a lawn mower running off to my right a few hundred yards off. I turned completely to my right and watched that direction for some time hoping to see something moving around after being disturbed by the lawn mower. OK..I was completely distracted by the lawn mower man! I was annoyed that someone could be mowing their lawn and possibly disturbing our hunt. The nerve… Anyway, after several minutes, I turned back around and looked up towards Joel’s stand. I could see him motioning for me to look down. He was trying to be discrete but it was obvious that something was on his mind. It looked like he had been trying to get my attention for some time. As my eyes fell towards the creek, I saw two doe standing at 30 yards right at the creek. My heart just about jumped out of my throat. I couldn’t believe it. While I was watching some guy mow his lawn, two deer came into shooting range without me even knowing. Joel and I got a big laugh about that afterwards. Just as the previous two earlier that morning, these two started moving from my left along the side of the creek towards my 8 o’clock. One actually jumped down into the creek behind some shrubs so I didn’t have a shot on her. The other deer walked along the exact path as the button buck I shot earlier. She took a lot longer to come into the clearing but when she did…BOOM…dropped her in her tracks as well. The other doe didn’t even flinch. I couldn’t believe it. I reloaded and watched her move around between us quite a bit before she actually ran off. We hunted for another hour or so then collected our gear to recover my second deer. I couldn’t believe that I had shot my first two deer EVER on the same day! They definitely weren’t monster bucks but what an exciting day! First deer every! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
whttlbucksteve Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Mine would have to be last year when I harvested a doe at 6 feet on the ground,then having a 175" 9 point come right down the same trail 15 min. later.That will always be right there like it was yesterday. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
craig mack Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Mine would be last year when my dad (second from left) shot two nice 8 points. Its been awhile since he shot a nice deer and he was so excited about it. I also get credit for scouting him out the spot, I told him he owes me a guide fee. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbuckkilla89 Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable My first deer would have to be my favorite and most memorable hunt. I was with my grandpa and my cousin huntin with a rifle in KY i shot a big ten point with a 21 in. inside spread at about 250 yards across a field with a 270. we were set up on the ground in the corner of the field he was a brute . I was 8 years old and ive been deer huntin every since. that 10 point was the biggest deer i ever killed until last year I killed another 10 point bigger an him Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rhine16 Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable the first deer i killed with my bow... a doe 5 years after i first started hunting.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unioncountyslayer Posted August 29, 2006 Report Share Posted August 29, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Mine would have to be my first year of deer hunting. I had hunted hard for about 30 straight days with no sucess. I had only seen one small doe at about 500 yards. It was the night before Thanksgiving day and my dad says, "so are you going in the morning" to my response, "Dad, I'm not sure about all this deer hunting stuff". He said that if I'd just go with him in the morning and if I didn't see anything he wouldn't blame me for not wanting to hunt the rest of the season. So I agreed and the next morning we headed out. I wasn't in my stand 30 minutes when I grunted and heard something coming up from behind. I turned and all I saw was horns! Finally I thought. I slowly turned and aimed my loaner 30-30 and pulled the trigger. SNAP!! I had forgotten to take the safety off. Luckily it was peek rut and the deer never moved so I took off the safety and fired again. A clean hit and kill. My first deer, a 185 lbs. 10 pt. I definately had a lot to be thankful for that day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deertracker Posted August 30, 2006 Report Share Posted August 30, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable my most memorable moment would be when me and my best friend shot our first deer togather,about 100yds from eachother and about 30min apart. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom2008 Posted August 30, 2006 Report Share Posted August 30, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Like others my frist deer would have to be my most memorable and favorite hunt. Was my first year with a gun in hand. I was pumped I could barely sleep the Friday that we came up. When morning came we went out and early that morning all we saw were 2 young fawns running through the woods. It was cloudy and cold all day. It was a really disappointing first day. No one else in our party had any luck also. Then Sunday came and conditions were the same, but not as cold. We moved to 3 different stands that morning. The last one we went to had a small pond next to it and some nice thick brush on the other side. It started to snow and rain and at 8:30 my step dad taps my shoulder and says "There is a buck coming." I look to the left and there he is a big bodied 6 point. He walks around our stand only 30 yards away. He comes out to my side of the stand and stops perfectly next to this big tree. I bring up my 30-30 look through the scope and put the crosshairs right on his shoulder. I take a breath quick and just squeeze the trigger. A second later I see him kick in the air and run straight into a thick pile of brush. He gets his antlers stuck and while struggling to get out he completly tires himself out. and lays down right where I first shot him. I load up another round and put him out with a shot to the back of his neck he drops. I was so excited. I couldn't believe it my first deer was a 6 point buck. Shot November 2002 with a 30-30 Marlin Rifle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sskybnd Posted August 30, 2006 Report Share Posted August 30, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable my most memorable moment was when i got my first deer with my bow, i had practiced all summer long and being new to bow hunting i did every thing you could think of wrong, when i hit the deer i almost jumped out of the tree, i was on cloud 9. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Thanks to my former computers hard drive crash I had thought I lost any traces of the story below. I turned loose Buckee "The Tracker" and he followed the trail through the forum threadswamp but he found it. This has been my most memorable/favorite hunt of my lifetime: [ QUOTE ] Man did we ever have a great time!!! He took that 8 Point Buck(211 lbs dressed out) on Monday and made a great shot, he waited for what he said was 7-8 minutes until the buck turned broadside, and the shot was close to the 250 yard range! I was down in the woods tracking my first doe that I had shot at 7:15AM, after a parade of deer that had gone by me earlier, when I heard him shoot. I had a setup of 3 feeding doe decoys out in front of me and grunted as the group that my doe was in came out of the woods, they saw the decoys and started walking towards them, I took a shot as the big doe(173 lbs dressed out) At first I did not think it was him because there was only one shot...LOL...that was at 8:30 AM. I had set out 2 feeding doe decoys in front of him at about 75 yds with the white plastic handles from grocery bags tied on for tails that where moving in the breeze. He said the buck came out saw the decoys and started walking towards them and him(very slowly) while looking to each side, feeding, and doing more looking with almost each step. Meanwhile I had found my doe and field dressed her and returned to the top of the hill to retrieve my game cart and give him the keys to the truck so that when he was done hunting he could just drive around and pick me up at the bottom of the is a big hill...There was no way I was dragging that doe uphill even with the game cart!!! I was at the game cart and heard noises on the top of the hill and saw deer movement shortly afterwards 2 deer one doe and a small 6 pointer came off the hill running around the base in my direction...until I raised my hands and loudly said "HEY DEER" to which they promptly made a direction change So I start heading around towards where my dad is to find him being helped out by another hunter pulling the game cart. I could not see the deer yet so I moved closer after he said he finally got a good one... :blink: I could not be happier for him!!! High Winds and Weird Weather changes kept deer movement down to a minimum but while doing small pushes towards each other after 9-10 in the morning we did see alot of deer but passed on shots on small bucks. We would sit in stand sites during the early morning and then do small pushes afterwards to get the deer up. I found deer beds that where completely dry during rain and snow while pushing towards my Dad through the brush so the method got them moving anyways. I got my second doe(156 lbs dressed out) on Friday and was lucky enough to capture the hunt on video I had just made a move to a more open spot to get better video and 10 minutes later the deer showed up! We used the Renzo's Decoys on all of our hunts and found that when the deer saw them they calmed down, sometimes even from running, and even turned and started walking towards them! Dad said: "Bring them Decoy things again next year"...LOL...wonder why :lol: [/ QUOTE ] You cant imagine how proud I am to have taken this picture of my Father...who has passed his love of the outdoors on to me: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buckee Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable [ QUOTE ] by GWSmith This has been my most memorable/favorite hunt of my lifetime: [/ QUOTE ] Hunting for your story has been my most memorable hunt to date...LOL I hunted the swamps, I hunted the low-land, the high-country and the plains, and I could not find that elusive post. I was just about to give up, when my hunter instinct took over, and bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable Your definitely "The Tracker" BTW...that 6months post search thing for non-mods...still El Stinkos Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HarvDog Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable [ QUOTE ] Your definitely "The Tracker" BTW...that 6months post search thing for non-mods...still El Stinkos [/ QUOTE ] I agree. I'm able to workaround this restriction but totally don't understand the reason. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest pabowhunt Posted September 1, 2006 Report Share Posted September 1, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable There are so many memorable hunts that I don't think I can really place one on top of the others. My first deer, my first buck, first archery deer, first archery buck or maybe videoing the last buck my late brother killed. They are all great memories! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kidd Posted September 1, 2006 Report Share Posted September 1, 2006 Re: favorite/most memorable my first archery deer was an 8 point basket rack it came 5 days before my son good tymes and great post Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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