Blazers! Oh Yeah!!!


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Thats it!!! No more vanes for me! I just got done shooting even tho I was supposed to be in bed! LOL!!! These vanes are great! Fly like darts, quiet, and since I was just sighting in a new sight it went quick too! Sorry no pics but I was shooting the best I ever have so far! I havent shot my bow in over a month! I had 5 arrows inside a three inch circle at 25 yards! All with Blazers on. Never did this with any other vane! Its a good thing too! I ordered two 100 packs yesterday!!!


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Re: Blazers! Oh Yeah!!!

Yes Sir. The Blazers are accurate as described. Full right helical for me and deadly to 50 yards. They turn quick, small profile and resist deformation while handling/traveling. A nice choice.

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Re: Blazers! Oh Yeah!!!

I am with you I just put some on and tried them with broadheads, they are awesome. I shot thunderheads, nitrons, montecs and all shot great at 50 yds. I shot the same setup with 4 vanes and the nitrons and montecs were about 2" low and the thunderheads about 5" low at 20 yds. I wouldn't have believed the blazers could make that much difference if I hadn't seen it for myself. Great Product.

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Guest NCSUHunter829

Re: Blazers! Oh Yeah!!!

Same here I have a beginner bow (in college to poor for a good bow) it shoots slower than dirt, but this year I switched to blazers! Wow! what an improvement! Still not real fast but definitely faster and personally I think there more accurate.

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Re: Blazers! Oh Yeah!!!

i will be shooting Blazers on my hunting arrows for the first time. they are being fletched up by my local arrow guru.. wink.gif

i will run them through the mill and work them hard to find out if they are what all everone says. wink.gif

Shoot Strong


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