Whitetails and Peanuts?

Guest jon3

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Has anyone had any experience with deer eatin peanuts after they have been picked? Will the eat them or not?, if I throw them on the ground....and what is the best supplemental feed anyone has found for attracting and holding deer?????

Thanks jon3

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Re: Whitetails and Peanuts?

my hunting buddy said they liked peanut butter, so he puts out a jar of it each year, i went with him to put one out early this yr, we put a camera out also, i dont know about the deer likeing it, but we got some pic of coons sticking there hands in the jar

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Guest lucky31563

Re: Whitetails and Peanuts?

get you some c'deer and pour it on your corn and see if this help, it did for me . and yes they do like pnut and the pnut butter.

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Re: Whitetails and Peanuts?

our local makes a product called BUCK CRUNCH. i put 200 ponuds out on thursday and by saturday it was gone!!!!!!!! i hunt near a watershed area that is off limits to hunting!!!!!!! the population is out of control,,but to my shock 200 ponds of buck crunch was gone2 days!!!!!! they also make piles of corn dissappear pretty fast !! grin.gif

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