Found a scrape.....Aug. 23rd!!!!!!


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Re: Found a scrape.....Aug. 23rd!!!!!!


Went out a little while ago to walk around the Strut10 Ranch a bit. I was walking an old woods road that runs about 10 yards inside the woodsline. It parallels an old overgrown field of goldenrod & a few chance pine trees for several hundred yards. There's a place I saw when mowing the road a few weeks back where two major trails come in from the field and cross the road about 45 yards apart. Well.....I was checking that out with hopes of finding a decent place to hang a stand and as I walked up to where the first trail comes on to the road, there, under an overhanging branch are not one, but two scrapes. Definitely not turkey scratching or something else. Two scrapes about 18" to 2 feet in diameter. Unbelievable!!! I wasn't even figuring on being able to find a rub for another week/week & a half. But there it is. Somebody's gettin froggy already. grin.gif

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Strut its so weird you wrote this today. I was just going to make the exact post. My girlfriend & I just went to repair one of my deer stands about 10:30 this morning.

Good Lord!!!!!! Something told me to scout around this particular stand I hadn't hunted out of it for a week. Not 75 yards from it I got wind of this strong odor that nearly took my head off, it was a large scrape where a buck had just peed in it. I mean the ground was literally soaking with urine. I walked down a little further & found a cluster of 4 more scrapes where deer have been licking & nawing the branches & using the scrapes. All within 100 yards of this stand!!!!!!

You can't imagine how happy a guy was to find puddles of pee!!!!!!! The rut in SC will defenitely been here at the end of Oct!!!!! grin.gif

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Re: Found a scrape.....Aug. 23rd!!!!!!

There are several different types of scrapes. Some of those are a total waste of time to hunt over. Some you would be a fool NOT to hunt over. That being said, this sounds like a boundary scrape. Not a good scrape to hunt over because all they do is say HEY a bucks been here. However, It does seem to me that only bigger bucks will make scrapes this early into the season. Might be wrong on that though. That bucks probably still running those trails. I'd hang a a stand.

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Guest OhioHunt

Re: Found a scrape.....Aug. 23rd!!!!!!

I have not found any scrapes yet where I am but last Sunday a buddy of mine and I went out to check our stuff one last time and I found a rub about 5 yards from my stand comming off of a soybean field. I am about 40 yards inside the woods off that field and the area I am in is absolutely covered in acorns. Last night I walked into the woods behind my house and saw a tree that was absolutely tore up with the wood shavings still on the ground and the tree was wet from where he rubbed. Too bad you are not allowed to hunt in the city where I live . But at least something has been passing through my hunting area.

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