Forms, Forms, Forms


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Sheesh. My wife and I have no less than abooot 20 pages of forms to complete for our kids who started back to school today.

The really aggravating thing is it's the same forms over and over, the only thing that has changed is the kid's age and grade.

On top of that, I got the kids to school 15 minutes late today because they apparently changed the start time for the elementaries this year do to fuel costs. They made the change last week and the letter never got to us because they use our street address instead of the P.O. Box number.

In spite of all this, the kids seemed to have a good first day. cool.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Forms, Forms, Forms

I know what you mean. The day before school starts they have an "orientation". I make a point to sit down in the classroom right then and there and fill out that junk out. That way I don't have to drag it all home with me and worry about forgetting something.

Thankfully I just have 2 kids to do this for. smirk.gif

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Re: Forms, Forms, Forms

My wife went to my daughter orientation last ngiht and because they are in a temporary school ... and I mean temporary .... none of the teachers really knew where the classrooms were lol ... they even had the wrong building a few times lol ... I dont even wanna be around tomorrow when school actuallyy starts ... what a cluster ... and to top it all off one of the building my daughter has classes in doesn't even have a bathroom ... not a good thing for a diabetic.


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Re: Forms, Forms, Forms


What does changing the start time have to do with fuel costs? I don't understand that.

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Oh! You're not supposed to ask a question like that. That's just the way idiot school administrators "think". (Now there's an oxymoron for ya.) In my opinion most of those "Doctorate's in Education" ain't worth much more than to blow your nose on.

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Re: Forms, Forms, Forms


What does changing the start time have to do with fuel costs? I don't understand that.

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Don't bother listening to "Mr. Positive" Bruce, the elementaries start a 1/2 hour earlier to accommodate a combined bus route in the afternoon. The elementary kids will now be riding with the middle school kids thus cutting the normal 4 trips down to 3.

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Re: Forms, Forms, Forms



What does changing the start time have to do with fuel costs? I don't understand that.

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Don't bother listening to "Mr. Positive" Bruce, the elementaries start a 1/2 hour earlier to accommodate a combined bus route in the afternoon. The elementary kids will now be riding with the middle school kids thus cutting the normal 4 trips down to 3.

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Now that makes sense. We never had those problems where I went to school. We had 7-8 buses and they were able to handle everyone in the school district at once, so one trip in the morning and one in the evening for each bus. When you've only got 400-450 kids in the district, with a good chunk living within walking distance of the schools, it's possible to do that. grin.gif

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Re: Forms, Forms, Forms



What does changing the start time have to do with fuel costs? I don't understand that.

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Don't bother listening to "Mr. Positive" Bruce, the elementaries start a 1/2 hour earlier to accommodate a combined bus route in the afternoon. The elementary kids will now be riding with the middle school kids thus cutting the normal 4 trips down to 3.

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Excuse me! When I drove a van for a local school district I used to get told to run my route with an empty van just so they would get fuel subsidies from the state. A WASTE OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS! frown.gif

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