Bucks with no velvet!!

Guest HaDeRonDa

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Guest HaDeRonDa

It's that time of year!!

Today on the way to work, an hour and a half drive, I saw two bucks. A spike horn and a six point with bare antlers.

Anyone else seeing bucks sporting the good stuff?

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Re: Bucks with no velvet!!

I see big bucks every night here in our yard and our neighbors yards. None of the bucks yet have lost their velvet.

Last year, I saw a few bucks in velvet and in a matter of 3 days their antlers were clean white. I did not see them inbetween those 3 days with the velvet hanging and bloody, that wouldv'e been soo cool.

Nothing yet, but patiently awaiting the white racks


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Re: Bucks with no velvet!!


...Anyone else seeing bucks sporting the good stuff?

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I'd be happy to see a flathead fawn let alone a buck with headgear smirk.gif

I've only seen one deer in the last 2 months! shocked.gif

I was mapping out the local arhcery 3-D course with my GPS for the owner. I looked at the list of targets I was given and there were two targets at one station. Looked down at the list to see if the deer was supposed to be there behind the standing bear and when I looked back up it flicked an ear an moved off.

BTW...I geusstimated the range on the deer at 45yds..10 yds past the bear. Shot the course the other day and cut the 10 ring on the bear!!! I used to stink up a place when it came to geussing yardage but I've been practicing on everything I see lately...seems to be working cool.gif

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Re: Bucks with no velvet!!

I was just out in the woods today and saw a nice 10 pointer with redish colored antlers.......so it was real fresh. Its that time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifooo.gifsmile.gifblush.gif

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