How to plant without weeds popping back up

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Ok, this is one thing that I don't understand. I hit my field with Roundup twice after mowing and everything is dead (finally). I planted winter rye on it, which doesn't require that I work the ground or cover the seeds.

However, I want to plant some seed on an adjacent spot that is 1/4 acre, whidh requires the ground to be at least dragged to cover up the new seed (probably clover and a mix of others)

Now, last time I worked the ground a bit on this piece, the weeds overtook the clover (and everything else) and now I have the closest 1/4 acre to my stand with weeds standing 6 feet high.

How the heck am I supposed to plant without activating the weed seeds when I work the ground again?

Seems like a silly question, but I don't want to waste another $100 and 4 hours of back breaking work (no implements).

Thanks in advance.

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Re: How to plant without weeds popping back up

Sure Todd and some others will have good advice to offer here. If you can, mow it first. I also like to use two applications of glyphosate, and will usually spray about a week to two weeks apart. Fall plots of clovers here do better due to less weed competetion. Having the implements makes a big difference.

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Re: How to plant without weeds popping back up

weeds are something every food plotter battles.

Before planting I like the disc the plot several times and spray between discing. Like you stated everytime you work the soil you uncover thousands of dormant weed seeds just waiting to get started. After you disturb them a few times majority of them will germinate and you can spray them again.

Once the weeds are present your two options are either mowing or herbicide application.

Keep the plot mowed down to about 6 inches. This will control the weeds but also make your clover more palatable and nutritious for the wildlife.

In clover plots your broadleaf weeds can be control with a product called Butyrac2000 (2,4DB) and the grass weeds can be controlled with Poast.

I have a few hard to reach plots than I can't get a tractor too--I use a weedeater to mow it--it's hard work but you just have to decide if it's worth it.

good luck


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Re: How to plant without weeds popping back up

wtnhnt, I def use two applications of glysophate. In fact i do a third spot spray just before seeding. usually there are only 10 or 20 little weeds coming up.

dogdoc, that's good advice right there, brother. My spots are small enough that a weed eater may be best, since I don't want to mow it totally to the ground like with a traditional mower. I thought about getting one, for my plots but wasn't sure If I should. What the heck, its better than dragging a mower out 400 yards in the middle of nowhere.

Also, I want to make sure that when weed seeds do get germinated, I can kill them without affecting the good stuff. I'm keeping your post in my file to make sure I have it for the spring.


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Re: How to plant without weeds popping back up

I have an area that was a failed pond last year. It was filled in which means that all the weeds, roots, and seed were buried 8' underground. I frost-seeded in the spring and got a pretty good germination. That still didn't stop the ragweed and other weeds from popping up all over the place. The message being that there is most likely nothing I could have done chemically or physically to eliminate weeds on this bare ground. Weed seeds simply spread and germinate too often within a season to completely eliminate them.


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