Cougar Attack


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Aug 25 2006


Paul Krismer does not “begrudge” a young cougar who attacked his four-year-old son.

In fact, the Comox Valley father concedes the unprovoked attack at Schoen Lake Provincial Park, 140 kilometres north of Campbell River, was simply an isolated incident.

Speculating on why the cougar attacked Aug. 18 around 8 p.m., Krismer said conservation officers told him the one-year-old male animal was in search of food and his son Paul Daniel, who was playing a few metres away on the beach nearby where he was fishing, likely appeared to be easy prey.

“In my view, he saved his own life …he hunched over and tucked his head in and that likely saved him,” Krismer told media during a press conference held adjacent to the playground in Comox Marina Park.

“I would have liked closure on this with the cougar being (found and) killed, but I don’t begrudge the animal because it’s living out there, too.”

Explaining he had a height advantage on the cougar when he came to his son’s rescue, Krismer landed squarely on the animal with both feet after jumping from a log he’d used to fish from. He kicked the animal twice more before it retreated back into the wilderness.

“I have a resilient son,” he said of the youngster’s bravery in the face of danger, with a 100-pound cougar raking his back with front claws and clamping down on the back of his head with powerful jaws.

“I saw the cougar,” offered Paul Daniel on his experience with an animal he’d only seen previously in photographs. “I seen the bushes move a bit … I remember hearing the bushes crackle.”

Krismer’s son draws a blank when asked to describe the attack further. He recalls an “ouch” when the cougar bit down into his skull.

Krismer acted out of instinct and on adrenalin when he saw his boy being attacked. Mom Rosemary Abram also sprinted across the beach barefooted to help her son, but her husband had already thwarted the attack.

“I had a momentary panic before I jumped that I might be (hurt). I ran along the log and just lept onto the cougar.

“When I picked up my son (after the attack) I was thrilled he was okay. We assessed his wounds and found a puncture wound from an incisor at the back of his head. He had a lot of raked cuts over (Paul’s) head and back.”

The Krismer family spent the night watching over their son before taking him to Campbell River’s hospital. Doctors assessed his injuries and provided antibiotics to prevent infection from the cougar bites.

While checking on their sleeping son, dad asked how he was doing following the attack. “He said ‘great’.”

Krismer never felt any danger for himself or the family while camping at Schoen, which was closed for a week while wildlife officials did an extensive search for the elusive predator. Other campers also had sightings of the cougar at 9 and 11 the following morning.

Will the Krismer family continue camping despite their son’s ordeal?

“Paul mentioned he didn’t want to camp at that same spot again,” said dad, adding the family will be heading to another campground for a weekend outing before summer’s end.

Krismer also applauded the efforts of conservation officers, with one visiting his home to take measurements of his son’s wounds to ascertain the cougar’s age.

• • •

B.C. Parks offers the following advice if you encounter a cougar in the Vancouver Island wilderness:

• Act aggressively, and if possible, throw rocks or sticks at the cougar.

• Never run or turn your back on an approaching cougar.

• Always keep your eye on the cougar and know where it is.

• Give the cougar room to escape.

• Raise your arms to make yourself look bigger.

• Pick up nearby children and small pets.

• If contact with a cougar takes place, fight back and don’t play dead.

To reduce the risk of a cougar encounter when it comes to children, parents are advised to not allow them to play in wooded areas or hike on trails alone.

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We have at least one cougar attack or inccident every year on Vancouver Island.

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