never so exited!!!


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with bow season only 7 sleeps away I am going crazy! I have been watching some huge whitetail, there are 2 really big ones with huge mass in a field every night, I have not had a good look becouse of the 1/2 mile distance and not wanting to spook them but they are HUGE!![180plus]then there are 3 more in another spot that are in the 160"s, then tonight I seen a deer close that I have been watching for a couple weeks from a distance he is runnign with a 150 class 4 by 4 but he is really unique, he has split tines like a mule deer, looks like a 7 by 6,hard to see on the vidio but I he is a 175 class animal to i believe,not a huge frame but wide and lots of points,only prob with all these animals is they are in open fields, they are bedding I believe in low sage brush,only chance I have is in the field huntign a bale were the 2 huge ones are, a fenceline with the 160 class and the split brow will be a small patch of tall grass about 15 ft square, going to be a good test for my new max1 camo I got for my b-day! I have never patterned so many big whitetail in a year, its usually the big mule deer I have a eye on but with all the mulie tags they are putting out the past years the whites are coming back and its awsome to see this many mature bucks!

Wish me some luck, going to be a great test for the camo and for me in the wide open, I love the challange lol!!

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Guest kyhunter1

Re: never so exited!!!

It sounds like your gonna need some help up there, so tony and i will just come up this fall and help you with that nice little buck problem of yours, heck their would be one or two a piece for all three of

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Re: never so exited!!!

Tony to move here all you have to do is know how to run farm machinery, run cattle, no need to know french here, we speak only ENGLISH here!tons of jobs but crappy pay lol!!

WHne the bear visited my tent I was exited about having bear steak but not quit this bad superguide lol, now the wife was a different story lol!!

Thanks all, I have a really good feeling,just hope I connect early couse it is going to cost a fortune with 5 buck a gallon fuel to drive the 45 miles each night after work,Oh well what can you do, its only 5 months of the eyar I hunt lol!!

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