Wyoming elk in a couple weeks


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Well guys I leave the 16th for Wyoming for my elk hunt that starts on the 20th and lasts for a week in the mountains I am pumped.

I will use my model 70 300 win mag, and I am hunting in area 97.

Anyone familar with the area? I am going in with boulder lake outfitters and am going in with a guy who has been there 2 times before with success both times.

The lodge has changed hands this year which makes me a little nervous but he said he will use some of the same guides. We will pack in on horses to a spike camp in the mountains by a lake and hunt out from there each morning.

It is a guided hunt as I felt not knowing the area and the animal it was the best option for me considering the first year and all...... remember I am just a midwest whitetail boy! LOL

Anyone familar with the area I would love to hear from you.

Thanks Kirk smirk.gif

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Re: Wyoming elk in a couple weeks

I'm leaving the 14th of Sept. for my Wyo. elk hunt on the 15th. I AM PUMPED!!!!!! I'm using a brand new Savage Stevens model 200 .270 bolt-action. I'm hunting the unit by Gillette, apparently one of the best draw areas in Wyoming.


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