Too much rain?

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Got my plot in about 2 weeks and ago and is growing well. A couple nights ago and the day after we got a total of about 4 inches of rain. Went back to my plot and checked it today...luckily there wasny any standing water but it looked pretty wet still. A lot of the plants were sort of laying flat. Just wondering how they'll grow or if there was too much rain on them at one time. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Too much rain?

Awesome, I was worried there for a while...haha. Thanks Martin, I ended up getting great germination, and am very pleased. Luckily the deer haven't been hitting it yet so its had a chance to grow..Id guess the plants are all about 5 inches tall or so. And yes, I do plan on shooting a monster over the plot...I hope anyway lol. Low 80s is forecasted for this whole week so that should be good after all this rain we've gotten. Thanks for making me feel better about my plot guys!


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