Pop Up Blind Question


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I went shopping yesterday and stopped to look at pop up blinds for me and my little girl. Dick's Sporting Goods had a sale on a dog house style of blind in a brand I have never heard of before. They seem to be very durable and easy to set-up. The only only problem I noticed was that it had a shine to it. The shine or sheen was kind of like a polyester rain jacket.

My question for those of you who own pop up blinds, will this shine be a problem and scare deer?



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Re: Pop Up Blind Question

Ranger Ameristep is in my opinion the best blind out there, you get all the quality of the other high priced blinds and their customer service is 110%. I own 3 Dog Houses and love them but being you are going to be 2 in the blind I would recommend spending a little more on the Brickhouse, Walmart and other had them on sale. I also have 3 of these and they are the BEST.

The shine is no problem and repells the water very well, some box them is with cedar or spruce bows I do not bother and have been using them 5 years or more with no issues, I have had does come up and smell the zippers on the windows.

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Re: Pop Up Blind Question

I have a doghouse blind and really like it. I've hunted with my dad who is 6'2". We were both in lawn chairs and had plenty extra room. Set it up and tear it down several times in your yard to get used to it. The first time I did it it took me about 5 minutes to take it down. Now it's 1-2 minutes.

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