Antler display


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Re: Antler display

Dang it!!! Wish I lived in Texas.... grin.gif

Very nice bucks....we get some big bodied deer in NY State but a guy can hunt all season here and see only a couple of bucks, lucky if one of them are like that. Body weight wise, a buck is not considered decent up here unless it weighs near 200lbs or more. I can't imagine what those giants north of us look like. I might have to make a trip sometime and take a look at them for myself... grin.gif

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Re: Antler display

We took 21 deer off there last year ( 17 bucks and 4 doe ) our buck population was out of wack. This year we will take 6 doe and 8 bucks. We do have some 6 and 7 points we need to get out of the gene pool , as well as, some older 8's. If I can't twist anyones arm to come help me shoot them then I will holler at ya

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Re: Antler display


We took 21 deer off there last year ( 17 bucks and 4 doe ) our buck population was out of wack. This year we will take 6 doe and 8 bucks. We do have some 6 and 7 points we need to get out of the gene pool , as well as, some older 8's. If I can't twist anyones arm to come help me shoot them then I will holler at ya

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Thanks! grin.gif

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