Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!


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I switched to a winners choice custom string last week. But I have a problem. When I shoot my montec g5's I get some irradic flight. for example, one arrow will fly straight, one will fly right, one will drop pff the table.

With my old string, my g5's flew straight as an arrow and were very consistant. now they are very irradic.

I get perfect cuts through paper so I don't think tunning is an issue, but I could be wrong.

Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? Thanks in advance for the help!!!!--rossman

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Re: Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!

I brought it down to the pro shop yesterday and they shot it through paper, and said it shoots perfect. Pefrect center point with even tare's.

Now, should the broadhead blades lign up with the veins/feathers? It seems like the one arrow that does fly good has the blades ligned up with the veins.

I don't know, my proshop seems to think my bow is in perfect tune.


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Re: Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!

Check for nock pinch. Are you using a d loop? Is this string any thicker than your old one? The nock may not be releasing consistantly. If you are usiing a drop away make sure the pull cable is not coming in contact with your arrow or fletching.

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Re: Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!


I brought it down to the pro shop yesterday and they shot it through paper, and said it shoots perfect. Pefrect center point with even tare's.

Now, should the broadhead blades lign up with the veins/feathers? It seems like the one arrow that does fly good has the blades ligned up with the veins.

I don't know, my proshop seems to think my bow is in perfect tune.


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The old idea of vanes lining up with fletchings is wrong. I shoot muzzy 4 blades. There is no way to line them up and they shoot spot on with my FP's.

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Re: Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!

Did you shoot the string in before setting up your peep?

You need to settle a string in for 100-200 shots.

Check you peep placement as it may creep up when the sting settles..

Did your FPS go up/down with the custom string?

If so it could be a minor spine issue with your arrow that is compounded by use of braodheads vs field points. Something paper tuning would not show since most do not paper tune with broadheads on.

A custom set of strings and cables can increase the preformance of your bow thus changeing the way it was tuned and set up for with the factory string.

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Re: Switched to a new string, but have a problem!!!!

Did you shoot the string in before setting up your peep? -- No, my proshop put a peep on it when I picked up my bow.

Did your FPS go up/down with the custom string?-- My FPS went down about 15 FPS with the new string.

And I think the new string is a little bit thicker, so I will check my nocks...


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