The Smack Down by Tiffany


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Ladies and gents did you see in the new realtree monster bucks the smack down on that buck that tiffany took, now Ladies this year lets just think of that for a little insperation. If I had one dream come true it would beable to go and meet tiffany and beable to go on a hunt with her she is so awsome!!!!

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Re: The Smack Down by Tiffany


Ladies and gents did you see in the new realtree monster bucks the smack down on that buck that tiffany took, now Ladies this year lets just think of that for a little insperation. If I had one dream come true it would beable to go and meet tiffany and beable to go on a hunt with her she is so awsome!!!!

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There is an open to the public womens hunt put on at Tara Hunt club in Mississippi each year with many TV and outdoor writers present. My wifew has gone twice and we highly recomend it to any woman hunter regardless of skill level.

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