Mathews Ammo...

Guest wildotter

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Guest wildotter

As bad as I hate to give all you Mathews boys additional ammo against Hoyt...but here it goes...shocked.gif

I am now waiting on new limbs for my Trykon. Here I am 1 month out from the season opener, and I'm bowless. One of my top limbs on my Trykon (purchased in July) is coming apart where the layers meet.

The guy that does the work on my bow told me to buy a lottery ticket b/c right now I'm 1-in-a-million! tongue.gif

He talked to his rep at Hoyt last Monday, and they were supposed to get them in the mail, but nothing as of yesterday. If they don't come in today he's going to call and see what the deal is (today would be the last of the typical 7-10 day time frame for shipping).

I know it's just a freak thing, and it could have happened with any brand bow, but the odds of it happening with a Hoyt!!!??? They have some of the best limbs out there...if not THE best.

Anyway...I'll be moping around the house until this gets sorted out, so y'all think about me when you're all out there practicing and fine tuning your setup! grin.gif

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Guest bow_hunter8

Re: Mathews Ammo...

that sound like me a year ago. my martin fury blew up caus i was showin up a high country ssr. my uncle said that his was faster i shot one of his arrows for his bow through mine. mine was faster at 323fps for one shot. needless to say my top limp broke. so i bough a highcountry 4-runner ha it lasted me two months and i have no idea why it broke but its all good. i bought a switchback and SO FAR aint had no problems, but with my luck itll break too. oh well its all part of the game i guess.

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Re: Mathews Ammo...

Here's a little story for ya...

I'm a Mathews shooter. Last season I had a super mature 10 point buck come in on me and stopped 5 yards from my stand quarting away. A hunters dream...Right... Well when I set my pin on the honey hole and released the arrow, my Mathews Switchback blew up in my hand. It blew the both limbs and cams apart. I was very lucky that I didn't get badly hurt but when I took my bow back to the pro shop they handed me a brand new.

So yes it happens.

I'm sorry to hear about your Hoyt and I hope you get it fixed and your out shooting again real soon...

Good Luck this coming season...

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Guest wildotter

Re: Mathews Ammo...

Yeah, I'm just thanking God that I noticed it before disaster struck!

Thanks for the support!

Hutchies...I'm fully aware that I'm not the first one...just messing around with the Mathews guys/gals.

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Guest wildotter

Re: Mathews Ammo...UPDATE!!!

New limbs came in on Thursday evening. Picked my bow up Friday morning and it's shooting good again!

I've also got a new Spott Hogg sight on it too! Very impressed with the sight so far. Construction looks VERY solid.

I've got my 20 yd pin zeroed in so far, and I was working on the 30 yd. pin this evening. It's not zeroed yet, but should be after one or two more sessions. I am limited to how much I can shoot since I haven't shot in 3 wks, and my muscles are a bit out of "shooting" shape.

I think my wife is glad...she's been telling me I've been in a bad mood. confused.gif

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