Food plot problems

Guest cyndal

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Guest cyndal

This is the second year I have hunted and the first year I have had my own stand. My husband is going to start working on a food plot for me and I am looking for suggestions on what the best thing is to plant.

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Re: Food plot problems

Welcome to the forums. Really depends on what you want out of your plot. Proper plot soil prep is the key to success with any plot.

For a plot to be planted right now depending on where you are it might be the ideal time to plant a perenial. Here in TN the clovers and other perenials do much better in the fall than in the spring due to less weed competition and usually more wet weather. Have had great success with penningtons clover and rye supreme. Have had good success as well with hamann farms trefoil/clover grower mix.

For annuals this time of year rye grain or wheat are a good choice. There are some good winter blends with brassicas and purple top turnips out there too, would steer clear of the biologic products especially the full draw.

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Re: Food plot problems

welcome to the forum! Hope we can help a bit.

sounds like you're wanting a "killing" plot (plot to hunt over and be very attractive during the season. Also something you can plant now without a whole lot of prep.

I agree with wtnhunt that annuals are a good choice.

My hunting plots include a mixture of cereal grains, winter peas, and brassicas.

For one acre I'll plant about 75 acres of cereal grains. This usually included 25# of wheat, 25# of rye, and 25# of oats. I'll also include about 10 to 15# of austrian winter peas, and 2 to3 pounds of a brassica (purple top turnips or dwarf essex rape). I'll fertilize at planting with about 200# of triple 13 then about 1 to 2 weeks prior to season opening when the plants are really growing AND just before a good rain I'll broadcast 50# of 34-0-0. The nitrogen give the plants a big boost and makes them taste DELICIOUS!!!!

If your wanting to plant a perennial mixture the Hamann Farms Fall Mix is a good choice.


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