Intrducing my brother and his 2 kids


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Re: Intrducing my brother and his 2 kids

I would take them out before the season starts on some scouting trips. Let them see what it's about without the guns. As we all know there is so much more involved with this sport than the weapon or the kill. I took my 11 year old nephew out last year on some scouting trips and it was a ton of fun. His first trip out we saw some deer and had a nice tom 20 feet away gobbling his head off. My nephew had a blast and is really hooked. Unfortunately, we hadn't drawn permits, so we didn't get to hunt. Actually, it wasn't unfortunate because we had a blast without the weapons.

We need to get the kids involved. They are the future of our beloved sport.

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Re: Intrducing my brother and his 2 kids

Ditto to the above replies.

MHO is to Have them read books about turkey hunting. Have them watch turkey hunting tapes with you. Stop the tape and tell them your experiences when they have questions.

There are sights that have turkey sounds and there are also tapes about calling.

Like it is said before. Take them scouting and show them how to read signs and make sure they know to learn the terrain.

It will be almost impossible to have all 3 with you at the same time. So I would take your brother first and teach him how to set up and to call. Then once the season starts he will take one child while you have another.

Patience will be your best virtue. wink.gif

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