My new shotgun

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Well, my new Beretta 28ga is officially a dove shootin machine. I went out twice and have left the field with a full bag both times. I was getting some grief by the other hunters about shooting at whitewings with a pop gun.......Let's just say that I left the field with alot more unfired shells than they did. The gun performed well and I don't now if I will need to pick up the 12ga again. Was shooting Mod and Imp Mod with 8shot and had no problem dropping those big whitewings.

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Re: My new shotgun

Shaun, I just sold a Rem 1100 sporting 28ga with Briley chokes. Sweet gun and pretty wood on it. My problem was that I got used to the Over/Under and I don't like leaving hulls out in the field. That little gun kicked the hulls out of sight and I never could find them all. Overall it was a great shooter.

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