Cleaning the barrel


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Re: Cleaning the barrel


Have you seen my write up in the How-To thread? I have used many different types of solvent. Today, I use Shooters Choice for powder fouling and Sweets 7.62 Copper Solvent.

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AJ, Did you choose the correct link? I got the history of the .280?

I guess I didn't word my question properly. I have owned this hunting rifle for 13 years. I give everything a good cleaning but I just run some Hoppes powder solvent through the barrel with a cleaning rod. I finally got some of the new Lever Revolution bullets and when the weather stops raining I want to sight my gun in again.

Why should I be doing more than powder solvent in my barrel?

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Re: Cleaning the barrel

Sorry, I corrected the link above. The lands and grooves will accumulate copper fouling from the jacketed bullets. While looking down a rifle barrel, it may look like its smooth and polished, but actually its like asphalt. It will have small voids, holes, tears, etc. that will strip copper from the bullets as they are passed down the barrel. The break in process allows the bullets and cleaning jags to wear down the edges of these areas before they fill up with copper. Some guns will shoot best after a few shots that fill these voids up and some will shoot best when they are cleaned out. Each barrel is different.

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Re: Cleaning the barrel

Like AJ, I have also tried alot of solvents. I really like Bore Tech "Eliminator". This stuff does a great job of cleaning both carbon and copper. It does a much better and faster job than Butch's Bore Shine or Montana Extreme. With these two, you have to do alot of scrubbing and long soaking to get all of the copper out. With Eliminator you don't. The best part is this stuff is non toxic and has no foul odor at all. Give this stuff a try, I gaurantee you will like it.

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