a question


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ive posted some pics of some pretty nice deer on here if any of yhall can remember, and ive set the camera out the past 3 times, and havent gotten any pics of them, do you think they have moved on? because these past years ive hunted this 40 acre piece of land i havnet seen nothing close to being as big at those that i got pics of, but then again i just got my camera jan. of 06. but do you think that they just came by my corn for a few weeks?

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Re: a question

With 40 acres, it's most likely the deer are on neighbouring properties as well as yours, and pass through from time to time. It's also possible your game cam just hasn't been set up on the right trail yet to capture them.

We hunt one piece of property that is only about 15 acres, but it has a farm to the west, a river to the south, another farm and bush to the east, and another huge section of bush, across the power-lines to the north. Many deer bed in the swamp on the property we hunt, but most are on the neighbouring properties. Deer are always passing through, and that's what we count on. It's just a matter of figuring out their favourite routes, and setting up there.

During the rut, you'll find even more action, and start seeing bucks, you've never seen before, so be ready grin.gif

You've definitely got some beautiful bucks hanging around, close by. They are still in their bachelor groups and probably out strolling the neighbourhood.

Don't worry too much and don't pressure them too much.


Happy Huntin wink.gif

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Guest Broncho10

Re: a question

Might have left a little too much scent while you were in and out of your area. If a smart, mature buck senses danger, he will leave the area. You can't be too cautious when it comes to scent, even though you are just checking cameras, feeding corn, looking for sign, etc. I am not saying that is what has happened, but that is the first thought that came to mind. Hope they come back, good luck!!

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Re: a question

Our property is fairly small and there are a lot of crops around. We tend to see a significant jump in activity at our cams after they start harvesting the fields around here. If you have standing crops nearby, there is a good chance the deer are utilizing them for feed and may just not have a need to use your property at this time.

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Re: a question


Our property is fairly small and there are a lot of crops around. We tend to see a significant jump in activity at our cams after they start harvesting the fields around here. If you have standing crops nearby, there is a good chance the deer are utilizing them for feed and may just not have a need to use your property at this time.

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This is what I would say also ... the crops almost always win ...


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Re: a question

No worries man I also have 40 acres too. The deer travel through a bit you just need to find where they travel through the most. On my property I have found the trail that they use to get to the other properties and I have been getting a few pictures or even more every weekend I put the camera out. They are definatley still around just be patient and they will come by on your camera again. wink.gif

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