Husband almost lost it

Guest Andrea

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Saturday night my husband went to check his catfish lines and got himself "checked" by a tree limb. crazy.gif

It was not quite dark and he came around the bend of the river and got clotheslined by this limb sticking up out of the water. He'd passed it a million times before but for some reason......just didn't see it this time.

Knocked him out of the boat. Sunk the boat (well, filled the boat up completely with didn't go to the bottom).

Busted his lip, busted his nose. Blacked his eye and scratched his face up pretty good. He managed to drag the boat to the bank and bail it out.

The river was running high due to all the recent rains we've had. If he'd been knocked unconcious...he probably wouldn't be here today.

ALSO.............had I been with him.............I would have taken the brunt of that collision since I would have been sitting up front. crazy.gifblush.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: Husband almost lost it


sure blame it on a tree we all know you did it lol glad to hear he is ok

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Yeah, he told his best buddy that I hit him in the face when he got home.

"Yeah, she was mad cause I came in late....." grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I actually HAVE given him a black eye before......(long story grin.gif)

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Re: Husband almost lost it


Glad he is okay!! How did the boat end up with water in it?

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I dunno, I guess when he went off the boat, the back end went under water.

All I know is.....I would have FREAKED OUT being in that water at night. ooo.gifcrazy.gifooo.gif

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Re: Husband almost lost it


You failed to mention a very important part. Did he have any fish????????????????? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Seriously, glad he wasn't hurt worse. You just never know when something can happen.

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Oh yeah.............forgot about that. He had just baited his hooks, so no fish yet. wink.gifgrin.gif LOL I thought he had already caught some before the accident but he didn't. smirk.gif

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Re: Husband almost lost it


Yikes! Glad he wasn't hurt worse, hope he heals up soon!

You guys probably also have alligators and snakes to worry about if ya fall in the water down there. blush.gifcrazy.gif

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Glad he's going to be OK cool.gif

...and Yes Shaun...the Gators lineup along the bank smiling!!!

gator_approaches_small.jpg almost looks like this is the Gator that overheard someone walking nearby saying "My husband will be by here soon in a boat...Free Fast Food" grin.gif

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Re: Husband almost lost it

Pics? Video? Gee you guys are heartless......................

LOL.....believe me..........if I COULD have gotten it on'd be watching it right now. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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