What is your favorite


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Re: What is your favorite

Glad to see you back on here Todd,

Myself I like the mornings as the woods comes alive with activity. Evenings are nice but most moment happens when its too dark to shoot anymore!!

I am going to try more 10 to 2 type hunts as I think I will see more bucks checking scrapes and their territory.

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Re: What is your favourite

I love evenings until dark too, because they seem a bit more productive, but I don't particularly like the tracking after dark, even though I'm pretty good at it.

I like mornings also, but you have to have that perfect spot close to a bedding area to be the most productive. On the one farm we hunt, the bedding areas are on other properties, so evenings there are moocho better.

On another property we hunt, we are far from the neighbouring farms and smack dab in the bedding areas, so mornings are much better there.

During the full moon(waxing and waning), I prefer morning, mid-morning and early afternoon hunts.

I have to admit that mornings are a nicer time to be in the woods, just because you get to see and hear all the birds and wildlife either waking up or going to bed. grin.gif

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Re: What is your favourite

I like mornings and evenings but all the deer I've gotten with bow have been in the evening....go figure...and from the same stand which means that goes for the last 5 years! That stand obviously seems to be a better stand in the evening, then another stand up on this old logging trail is good in the morning/mid-morning, but both work good at both times really... It all depends on which way the wind is blowing.

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Re: What is your favourite

I think evenings are more productive, but even with that in mind, I still like mornings the best.

I love being out before the sun comes up, and watching the woods come to life like Lou said. Also, if you stick a deer its a lot nicer be able to give him time, and and then having tons of daylight left to find him.

I also like going to lunch after the hunt with my buds too. Some of my best memories are the conversations and times I've shared with them. So far, I've been told that my bud was gonna be a father, and that another friend was getting married over an after the hunt lunch. To me, that's what its all about.

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Re: What is your favorite

Mornings are my favorite for many reasons: Getting to stands un-detected..cooler in mornings means more movement for longer period of time especially in early season...bucks chase does all night and by morning the does shy away from the bucks so bucks are looking for more does...the thermals carry scent upwards in the morning when the sun starts rising... I'm more relaxed in the mornings and can concentrate better...I don't like the feeling of shooting a deer right before dark and either losing sight of the deer or not being able to see bloodtrails well... But that's just me... I did however take my best buck in the evening....

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: What is your favorite

I love the mornings but I think I have shot more deer in the afternoon.

Watching the sun set in the sky I love to do while in my treestand but there is a chnace I have missed deer as a result of being a lookie-lou and have looked at things other than things on the ground. LMBO

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Re: What is your favorite

2pm till dark is when i get to hunt the most. so most of my stands are all afternoon stands. with a west sun in mind and a N or NW wind.

i dont really like mornings at all. i never have liked walking into my stands in the dark. i just hate not seeing whats out there that im spooking off my spots.

Shoot Strong


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