slugs in a moss 935


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my wife just bought me a new moss 935 3.5inch accumag,,i,ve already shot the thing and never noticed that i cant shoot slugs out of it because the barrel is overbored,((finaly read the book that came with it)) i,ve never heard of sucha thing, i no i can bye a rifled slug barrel for it, but i often pheasant hunt and come across deer and just switch to slugs, is there a barrel made for this gun that i can shoot both slugs and normal shot? what would happen if i shot normal shot through a rifled barrel? or should i just trade guns?

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Re: slugs in a moss 935

No, there is not such a barrel that will allow both in the 935. Mossberg has had the same rules back to 1989 when they released the 835. It's nothing really new. Is the deer population that thin there that you have to shoot deer while pheasant hunting?

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