Bow options


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Re: Bow options


Parker or the Reflex. i'd lean towards the Parker.

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I just bought a Parker Pheonix 34 Outfitter. I love it! But you need to shoot as many as you you can to see which bow fits you! This is the advise they gave me in here, and they are right! So go shoot more then decide!


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Re: Bow options


Do you guys normally by online or from a proshop?

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I would never buy on-line. Go to a pro-shop, but I bought mine at Cabela's, the actual store. They did a great job setting it up for me! But since then I found a Parker dealer closer to my town. He told me if I even have any problems to see him right away!


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Re: Bow options

From the choices, my humble choice would be the Parker.

An online buddy of mine has a Storm bow and loves it. He says it's great and very low price. May want to check them out. Personally, I haven't seen them, but this guy has owned many bows and is set on the Storm.

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