New Tikka-T3


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I just came home with a new Tikka, T-3, 308 caliber. The shop has a sale going to reduce inventory.

List price was $479.95. I paid $420.00 for it plus tax. Out the door for $445.20.

I have a T3 in a 270 and now have the 308. Will put a Pentax 3X9 scope on it.

I just love the 270 and I am sure I will like the 308 also.

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Re: New Tikka-T3

I would not expect them to go for quite a while. Since they are plastic, they will wear, and when the lips wear to a certain point, they can give feeding problems. What happens when Sako changes the design in 5 or 10 years and they stop making clips? say yours works fine for 15 years and then gives up the ghost. How do you get spare parts? I look at longevity (20-30 years) for a gun to operate. If I had one, I would have a couple spares for "down the road", what if occasions.

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