My mule buck!


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Not the monster I was after but with all going on with my job gone come nov 3 [busness bought out] and the prices of gas I decided to take this buck, I have him on vidio and we have met a few times the past couple weeks, after a perfect 2 hour belly crawl and stalk after a bigger one he offered a perfect broadside shot at 30 yards, hard to pass up this year! he is a younger deer I wish I would not of shot one his age but he will fill the freezer nice and make my wife happy I am not spendign 20 bucks a night out chasing a imaginary deer so she calls it lol!!Its sad to be done but its the best stalk I ever did thanks to mostly Bills max 1 camo, worked perfect!here are a couple pics,Iput a tape and he scores 167 gross and 163 net, just imagine what he would be in a couple years with the forks and soem mass bigger than 4",



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