Would you??

Guest GooseHunterJr

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Guest GooseHunterJr

Do not look at the size of the animal, but more how he is standing.

Would you take a shot with a bow at 25yds?

This is what I was given on staurday.....this is not the animal just a picture I found my bull was standing inbetween two tress?



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Re: Would you??

No. I have seen the results of shots like this. Yes it can be a killing shot. Forget about how well you shoot when practicing. This is a hunting situation and even the yardage is probably in question. Unless you hit the heart or a major artery you may well have a long and tedious tracking job and I can almost guarantee the bull will not get closer to the road. A 50% recovery rate would be about all that I would expect from what I have seen or from the tales I have heard. Would all of you who would take the shot do the same if it were a cow? Respect the game you hunt.

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Re: Would you??

If your bow is tuned properly, sharp broadhead, and you've practiced enough there's no reason anyone would have to pass on that shot.

I doubt it would stand there and just let you draw without bolting...but if you were drawn already break out the bone saw wink.gif

At 25yds the size of the target area on that Elk's chest is fairly close to the entire broadside lungshot area on a whitetail....He's Dead Meat wink.gif

...and No Dogdoc...I would'nt aim for dead center in the Neck grin.gif

(even though I killed a deer @ 35yds with that shot)

I never once thought while dragging his heavy dead butt out of the woods..."I wish I had waited for a broadside shot".

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