Took my nephew shooting


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well my nephew is 9 years old now and i figured since his dads a piece of crap( another story) it was about time i started taking him out. so i picked him up from my sisters sunday morning and brought him to the house to shoot, set him up with my first gun a .243 set him up at 50 yrds since this was his first time to ever even shoot, let him shoot bam right in the bullseye, next shot i seen him flynch then shoot and he was low about 10 inches, so i pulled the no bullet trick on him and watched him flynch again then showed him what he did and reassured it wouldnt hurt him and he shot twice more and put them both in a 3 inch group of the first one, then it started raining on us so we had to quit but 3 out of 4 in the bullseye seemed pretty good to me for his first time. sorry if i rambled on but i was just proud of him and wanted to share. we will see how the next practice session is and if he keeps good grades i will let him try to take a doe this year

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Re: Took my nephew shooting

HitRMisS: That is great - that boy will remember your kindness the rest of his life. Keep up the good work gettin' the young ones involved.

My nephew is only 5 but I intend to do the same for him in years to come. His dad is a loser headed for prison or death at an early age, I'm sure.

I second using the 22 (pistol and rifle) for practice if possible.

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Re: Took my nephew shooting


Did you have good hearing protection for him? I've found that muzzle blast bothers me more than the recoil.

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yes i gave him ear plugs and showed him how to use them, i'm only 19 and i already have some hearing loss do to not using it so i'm gonna start him out right,

and the .22 is a good idea, but being kind of rushed for time before season and with me being off at college i want to try to have him shooting the .243 good by the season so he can have a shot at a deer

thanks all again for the replys and suggestions

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