my trophies of my bow season


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bet you came to see monster bucks didnt you ? tongue.gifgrin.gif sorry to disappoint but this is about my 3 best experiences this year so far...

first was being a part of helping YB15 " Kyle " get his first deer with bow...i helped him with his setup and i gave him some never fail heat seeker arrows... grin.gif

great shot Kyle.....

my second trophy of the year was getting my friend Tim into bowhunting again. helping him with arrow tuning , shooting form , i provided the Muzzy 100s , i tuned his bow up and helped him with his new release..

while he provided the land to hunt he was hunting in my old stand location. so i did provide many shooting lanes for him to shoot in.. wink.gifhe then hunts 2 nights and makes a perfect 27 yd shot double lunger and takes a doe.. great shot bud...

my 3rd was me shooting a doe after i had missed a " few " this year... i was under the gun because i had almost guarenteed my team members that i would score on a doe like every other year..

so then i missed one , then another , then a tree was hit . then i flat out missed another... i was slowly developing a bad case of target panic on deer ..

i was doing like normal practicing but with the season starting to wind down i was getting pretty nervous... finally with 7 days to go i put it together for a great shot on a 31 yd doe... she didnt go far and i never felt such a great feeling of success .. i was fist pumping and thanking everybody i knew... grin.gif you cant imagine my joy and sadness as the doe laid there.

Trophies , no i havent shot my monster buck . but i was provided with a few other trophies of another kind.....

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Re: my trophies of my bow season

Good on ya, Tony. Those 2 fellows will also have some great memories. And I'm glad you got yourself some good eating, too.

One of my best trophies from this year was 'driving' a moose toward my cousin, who dispatched it with a great heart shot. It was his first moose and he was tickled - me too.

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Re: my trophies of my bow season


so then i missed one , then another , then a tree was hit . then i flat out missed another... i was slowly developing a bad case of target panic on deer ..

[/ QUOTE ]

Not all of the misses were with a compound bow, right Tony? Didn't you start out the season shooting your new recurve?

I had one of those kind of seasons last year with my recurve except I missed 3 times on the same morning hunt before I got all the misses out of that bow last year. All in 1 hunt. That was a trophy morning. grin.gif

Outside of the deer I killed so far this year, the 5 days I spent videoing my buddy bow hunting up in Iowa was a trophy too. I sure was glad to ride home with him wearing a grin.gif on his face instead of a frown.gif. That was definately a trophy and memorable experience in my book too.

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Re: my trophies of my bow season

Sounds like a productive season to me, Tony!! You're doing something right if you're getting other their first bowkills! Oh, since you gave YB arrows this summer.....can I have your Protec next summer? grin.gif

BTW....did you get that tree mounted? That was a true wallhanger for OK, but not sure what you guys call wallhanger trees up north. grin.gif You need to quit passing up those 125" deer....that is just WRONG!!!

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Re: my trophies of my bow season

My trophies so far is my buddy Terry taking a deer of a lifetime in my brush blind I built, and had that 14 point non typical patterned with the help of the farmer, and getting my son Hunter in the woods all winter in the cold, only to count pheasants and dads missed shots during gun season, and carrying the arrows from my buddy Handgunner and Tony, broadheads from a blessed friend called Rhino and two deer decoys from a friend known as Billkay....I sure have been blessed in more ways than money and a good job......I give many thanks to all my forum

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Re: my trophies of my bow season

Ya!!! I am a trophy! I've always wanted to be one of those. Seriously Tony, thanks again for all your help. Without you, I probably wouldn't have got to shoot in the 3-D tournament, or bowhunted either. Your a great guy, and I have faith that you'll be rewarded with a big ole buck someday....


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