How often to use copper solvent?


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I re-read AJ's post on bore cleaning 1st to make sure it was not there before I asked. LOL

I realize the more you shoot the more you need to clean. Just wondering if everytime you clean your gun, do you use the copper solvent too, or every other time, etc.?

I am not a target shooter or shoot all year round.

Only to check the gun prior to the given season, so after I sight it in initially, it gets maybe 2 to 4 shots per year after that..


I am still on my 2nd box of shells and I have had the gun for 4 years...

So how often would I need to copper foul clean it?


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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

It depends on the barrel. Some barrels foul more than others. When the accuracy goes away it is time to remove the fouling. This may be in 5 shots, 10 shots, or 20 shots. I would recommend cleaning it out once a year after the season at least. This will keep your barrel performing at its best.

You know, that thing is going to start shooting worse and worse groups. Since it is not being used much, its going to forget where to put the bullets. Its a use it or loose it kind of deal. Hehehe

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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

When you are shooting at the range and all of a sudden your groups open up, you have to get the copper out of the barrel. The powder residue is not the problem, it is the copper build up.

Like AJ said, every rifle is different and the barrel will foul after so many shots. This varies.

When the accuracy goes, it is time to get the copper out!

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Re: How often to use copper solvent?


AJ...can you explain why the military doesn't use a copper solvent on the m-60's, 16's etc????

Necessary....I beg to differ. And at that interval.....that would mean that the 16's barrels that I tested must have been flinging rounds all over.

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I have shot many M16 and M60 gun when I was in the Army. Military barrels are chrome lined and most of them will not shoot MOA groups, let alone average under 1/2 MOA like some hunting guns can. They fire full auto and heat the barrels you can't touch them. Thats also bad for barrels, but I guess in your vast experience of testing, that did not matter either. Military guns are not designed to shoot tiny little groups. The exception to this is for snipers. The average sniper rifle will shoot MOA on average. A firefight gun does not need to shoot that accurately.


It's just another way for those in the industry to steal you $$$.

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If thats the way you feel, have fun. It does not hurt my shooting any.


Generally something that disolves powder residue is all that the hunter needs. For that matter anyone unless they do special work for a living. smile.gif

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Ask benchrest shooters or varmint hunters if copper fouling will affect group size. I have gotten more than one gun at a great price as it stopped shooting good groups for the owner when all it needed was a proper cleaning by somone that has been educated on how barrels perform.

If you are happy with using your method, have fun.

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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

I use it as often as I can when cleaning! AJ is right! During a deer season right before. I noticed my groups start to open up after about 20 rounds put through it! Once I go over the barrel with Hoppes #9 Copper solvent, the black label. My groups get tighter! The same way with my handgun. When I was shooting PPC. I would clean my barrel on my 686 after every match and practice!!! I personally feel thats what helped me get into expert class. I know if I would have kept shooting I would have gone into Master class!

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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

I definately feel that the copper must be removed. It just seems basic that the lands and groves will accumulate copper over a period of time thus making powder fouling even more apparent. I always though a real good brass brush scrubbing did it all and soaked patches with powder solvent took out anything "stuck".


I just have never done this type of cleaning. I still feel that with as little bench shooting that I do it has not effected my accuracy with hunting in mind.

However, as with any gun, I want it to be as accurate as possible.

I just need to know how often the copper solvent can or should be used with respect to need.

My .300 UM is stainless steel so massive corrosion is not a concern even though I realize even stainless can "stain" ... LOL


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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

I have to admit my accuracy has not suffered one bit in the few years I have been shooting this gun.

2 years ago I shot a buck at 320 yards free standing. I hit it in the neck twice at that range before it dropped.

I'd say the guns on... LOL

Also, now that I think about it, my fathers 32 year old Remington Model 700 BDL 30.06 has always been considered and "tack driver".

And still is.

I know he has never cleaned it with anything other then some Hoppe's powder solvent, brass brush, and patches.

Is there no copper fouling?

I am not sure if there is or not but that 30.06 still gets 1/2" groups at 100 yards and the gun has had far more then 20 rounds threw it.

Is it hype?


I am sure if used you will remove copper fouling of some sort.

Is it enough to ruin the accuracy of my rifle?


I don't shoot near enough for even powder fouling to ruin my accuracy.. LOL

But I want my guns as clean as possible.

Will it be a waste of my money?


I am using Bobs... LMAO!!!

Thanks to AJ and Dave for both sides of this.

As always I will do what i want reguardless of what others say.

Why stop now...? LOL

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Guest bow_hunter8

Re: How often to use copper solvent?

I have a .17 hmr and i shoot paper and varmits and if i didnt clean it after i get done it looses its accuracy very quickly. i want to be able to pop the head off of a sparrow at 100 yards and if you dont clean it all the time it dont shoot for anything. i use shooter choice copper remover.

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Re: How often to use copper solvent?

I'm no expert, that's for sure crazy.gif but for whats it's worth, I use Butch's Bore Shine. It will remove copper, lead, and powder residue. The patch will come out blue if there is copper residue. I believe that if there is anything in the barrel that doesn't belong in there, get rid of it smirk.gif


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