How about this..


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Re: How about this..


a little northern food. Who enjoys squeeky cheese curd. Now there is some good eating. tongue.gif

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Now your talking some good eatin' We make our way over to the Nelson Cheese factory to get some of these tasty golden nuggets of cheese. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

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Re: How about this..


Here's what it is:

Cheese curds

Doesn't sound bad. I'd try it. All it is--is cheese that hasn't aged yet. It's NEW cheese!!! grin.gif

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She is absoultely correct. It is simply unaged cheddar. Normally the curd will be pressed into blocks, then aged and you eat it later.

It is just mild cheese and best when it is fresh and squeeky (meaning it squeeks when you bite into it) tongue.gif Sometimes it's orange and sometimes white (what we get here in NY). The only difference between the two is that food coloring is added to to make it orange.

Cheese curd is the fifth food group here in Northern NY grin.gif Hunting camp would not be the same without it.

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Re: How about this..



Wish they sold it down here, but I've never seen any.

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Maybe we can work out a trade for some boiled peanuts grin.gif

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Sounds like a deal!!! smile.gif

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Re: How about this..

Had some Buffalo Cheese Curds at the NY State Fair cool.gif

The consistency of them was like eating chunks of mozzarella...with a fire breathing dragon giving you mouth to mouth blush.gifgrin.gif

I know better then to buy the Buffalo style anything....believe me I paid...boy did I pay crazy.giftongue.giftongue.gif

We wont go into any details grin.gif



Wish they sold it down here, but I've never seen any.

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Maybe we can work out a trade for some boiled peanuts grin.gif

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Ranger....Be strong...hold out for Conch Fritters wink.gif

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Re: How about this..


You northerners kill me! grin.gif How about some good ol' cheese grits, or ham biscuits, or fried bolona sandwhich. Ya'll don't know what your missin' up there. Cheese curds, well I've never... grin.gif

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Oh, just spoke calories into my body right here at bedtime! FRIED BOLOGNA!!!! You got to love it!

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